
Feature and Giveaway: A Cursed Bloodline by Cecy Robson

The Weird Girls return in another edge-of-your-seat novel from Cecy Robson! Just when Celia thinks the supernatural world can’t turn deadlier, a new rival emerges, proving just how dangerous a power-hungry were can be.

Since being cursed with unique abilities, Celia Wird and her three sisters have fought the most bloodthirsty preternaturals in the Lake Tahoe region. But Celia’s greatest threat is someone she would have never suspected: Anara, a werewolf Elder who has allowed his hatred for Celia to spiral out of control. In a play for dominance, Anara tortures Celia and gives her an ultimatum: sever her mate bond with pureblood were Aric—or Anara will kill everyone she loves.

From the instant they met, Celia and Aric have shared an attraction that cannot be tamed. So keeping Aric away is impossible, and Aric would sooner die than allow anyone to hurt the woman he loves. Misha, master vampire and Celia’s sworn protector, also finds his way into the chaos, seeking blood from those who have harmed her.

Now Celia and her sisters are caught in the middle of a war driven by lust, fueled by hatred, and destined to end in tragedy. For Anara is a force to be reckoned with, and he will not succumb without robbing Celia of those who hold her heart.

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Check out the Weird Girls series:

I continued to stare at the tiny heartbeat on the screen. “How did this happen?” I asked stupidly.

“Have you been sexually active, Celia?”

Dr. Belman’s voice was soft and surprisingly patient. I thought about all the times Aric and I had been intimate in the last few weeks. “Um. Yes.”

“Did you use birth control?”

“Yes.” He raised his eyebrows. “It’s true,” I insisted.

I had started back on the Pill when Aric and I resumed our relationship. Dr. Belman pointed to the monitor. “Every time, Celia?”

“Well, no. But it was only one night.” That was the truth—sort of. Granted that one night we’d made love four times, but that didn’t matter, right? I looked back at the little beating heart. I guess it does . . . matter.

Tears streamed down my face. Although I completely freaked, I couldn’t help smiling. Aric and I are having a baby.

Dr. Belman removed the internal monitor, the same monitor I insisted he use to disprove the pregnancy test results. I thought he was just in obstetrician mode when I explained my symptoms and he had me give a urine sample. Extreme fatigue and nausea could have been related to anything I might have contracted on my recent international trips.

“Are you all right, Celia?”

I sat up and wiped my trickling tears. “Yes. No. I’m not sure, but I will be.”

“Do you feel the young man responsible will be supportive?”

Don’t you mean the young werewolf? “In time. Aric is just going through a lot at the moment.” You see, Dr. Belman, he was severely burned and disfigured three days ago, in Chaitén, Chile, trying to save the world from a seven-headed fire-breathing demon.

“Regardless of what challenges he’s facing, if he’s worth keeping, he’ll make you and his child a priority.” He sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder. “I apologize, Celia. I know it’s not my place to speak to you like this, but you are a nice young lady and deserve a good man.”

“I appreciate your concern, Dr. Belman, but Aric is a good man.” He’s just hurting.

Dr. Belman tapped my arm and regarded me thoughtfully. “If you say so, I believe you.” He helped me off the exam table. “So, miss, the plan is you will stop taking birth control at once and you will see me in four weeks. Here is a prescription for some prenatal vitamins.”

I pushed my long wavy hair from my face and stared at the script. Somehow the piece of paper officially announced I was becoming a mommy. Another tear escaped my eye. “Thank you, Dr. Belman.”

On the way home, different scenarios of Aric’s reaction played in my head, and I wondered how to tell him. He hadn’t called, though he’d said he would. It was rare for him not to stay true to his word, and even more rare for him not to check on me.

My head spun with worry. The demon hadn’t just marred Aric physically, he’d brutalized his self-esteem. I drummed my fingers against the steering wheel and entertained my options. I couldn’t call his Warriors. If Aric’s Pack Elders found out, his friends would surely be punished and so would Aric. I also couldn’t involve my sisters. They would suspect something and, in this case, Aric should know my news first.

Will you be happy for us, Aric?

Cecy Robson is the New Adult author of Once Perfect, Once Loved, and Once Pure and the award-winning author of the Weird Girls urban fantasy romance series. A self-proclaimed professional napper, Cecy counts among her talents a jaw-dropping knowledge of useless trivia, the ability to make her hair big, and a knack for breaking into song despite her family’s vehement protests. A full-time writer, registered nurse, wife, and mother living in the Great Northwest, Cecy enjoys spending time with her family and silencing the yappy characters in her head by telling their stories.

Find Cecy at:

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Gift Card + Loveswept Mug and Tote Bag

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Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Cecy Robson & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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Cecy said...

Thank you for the wonderful feature and for being part of my tour. Have a wonderful holiday season!

Sophia Rose said...

Ahhhh, a baby. I love this series. Thanks for sharing the excerpt.

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway!

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