
Guest Post with Author Kara Braden and Giveaway

Meet Kara Braden, author of The Deepest Night.

Kara Braden makes her debut in modern romance with a story of love in isolation. She believes that engaging, romantic fantasy can be found everywhere in the world, even in the most unlikely places. With the support of her wonderful husband, cats, and dogs, she writes from her home office outside Phoenix, Arizona, where she spends her time hiding from the sunlight and heat.

Find Kara at:

Five facts about THE DEEPEST NIGHT

The setting:

THE DEEPEST NIGHT takes place mostly on the island of St. Mary’s, in the Isles of Scilly, off the southwest coast of Cornwall, England. It’s the most beautiful place you’ve probably never heard of, with a surprisingly warm climate and an astounding variety of wildlife. With rare birds, dolphins and seals in the surrounding waters, palm trees, and flower fields, what better setting for a romance?

The hero:

Former Royal Marine Ray Powell met his best friend and business partner, Preston Fairchild, on a failed mission to rescue Preston’s fiancĂ©e. Before Preston could turn the operation into a suicide mission, Ray got him out and helped him to grieve. From that day on, they were the closest of friends—and confirmed bachelors. But now that Ray’s fallen in love, it’s only a matter of time for Preston...

The heroine:

Michelle Cole is a planner. She’s the type of person who keeps Band-Aids in her purse, condoms in her travel kit, and emergency road flares in her car. She knows who’s going to be the designated driver, she’s checked the traffic routes for road closures, and she’s got an umbrella in hand if there’s even a ten percent chance of rain, all before ever leaving the house. She deeply envies people who can be spontaneous, like Ray. Maybe it’s true that opposites attract.

The past:

Because Michelle is so careful, when something goes wrong, it hits hard. She never expected to be betrayed by one of her closest friends when they went into business together, and when she discovered it, she was crushed. That self-doubt left her adrift, her future uncertain, until she took a leap of faith and allowed herself to fall in love. Compared to that, going into business for herself is a negligible risk.

The future:

Michelle has given up hope for her best friend, Vicky, to ever fall in love. Instead, she and Ray are on the lookout to fix up Preston with the perfect date. Michelle is already refining her angel food cake recipe in hopes of putting it to good use one day.

“Open your eyes, Michelle.”

She gasped at the sight of the infinite night sky stretching all around her, full of more stars than she’d ever imagined.

He’d thought of this. For her. It was so perfect, so romantic, it stole her breath. She smiled and curled her fingers around Ray’s.

When everything you love is on the line…

The Isles of Scilly off the coast of England are remote, windswept and wild. They’re the perfect place for Ray Powell to recuperate after the toughest Afghanistan mission the military contractor has ever run. Except instead of the peace and quiet he so desperately needs, he’s faced with a beautiful American woman who instantly challenges his iron control.

It’s best to proceed with caution…

Seeking her own safe haven, Michelle Cole is intrigued and flustered by the intensely compelling and irresistible man.

As their cautious friendship slowly builds into simmering attraction, their hearts and souls are about to be broken open...if they’ll allow it.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out the Longest Night series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 3 Signed copies of The Longest Night
  • 10 Audible Promo Codes for The Longest Night

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Sourcebooks for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

In a New England state. Maybe Massachusetts.

Lisa M said...

somewhere in Scotland (because that is where I'd love to go)

erin said...

Somewhere warm, sunny and with a beach :) Thanks for sharing!

bn100 said...


Glenda said...

Probably in the Western Range of the Rockies.

Anonymous said...

Scotland. I've always wanted to visit there.

Marcy Shuler

Elizabeth Chang said...

somewhere in vancouver

veRONIca said...

On a beach in Portugal somewhere quiet

Anita Yancey said...

I would open one in Virginia. Thanks for having the giveaway.

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