
Guest Post with Jess Michaels, Kate Pearce, Eliza Lloyd, Monica Burns and Samantha Kane

Meet the authors behind Wanton Christmas Wishes.

Madelynne Ellis
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Christmas Wishes, Romance Style

Hi everyone and a big thanks to Danielle for having me here today. It’s very exciting right now since two days ago I had a new release. WANTON CHRISTMAS WISHES is a collection of six short stories from me and five other wonderful authors. These are all very sexy, holiday tales of true love and we hope you’ll love them!

Of course, writing and talking about Christmas romance made five of us think about our favorite holiday stories, both on film and in books. So we thought we might share some of these favorites with you. And we hope you’ll jump in and tell us which stories you love!

Jess Michaels (A Christmas Kiss) – One of my favorite Christmas movies is Love Actually. This is the movie that launched what sometimes feels like a thousand interspersed vignette movies about love. But this is the best. There are 8 couples followed, some of them very untraditional (my favorite couple involves a widower played by Liam Neeson and his stepson, who he is trying to help “get the girl”). There is lost love, first love, love separated by language barriers and desperate and unrequited love. But in the end, it’s all love… and isn’t that what Christmas is all about?

Jess Michaels
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Kate Pearce (Loving Michael) – One of my favorite Holiday movies is It’s A Wonderful Life. Before moving to the USA I’d never heard of it and initially, when told the plot I was skeptical that it had the necessary ingredients to be a great feel-good movie. But I was so wrong. Watching George’ Bailey’s struggle as all his choices are taken away from him leaving him believing he is a failure and seeing how much he’d positively affected so many people in so many small ways was such a reaffirming message. The perfect Holiday message.

Kate Pearce
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Eliza Lloyd (All A Mistress Wants) – Ah, Christmas and the granting of wishes. And what is Christmas without the tradition of movies. As a kid it was all about Charlie Brown, the Grinch, Rudolph and Frosty the Snowman. Did you cry when Frosty melted? As an adult, I still prefer Christmas stories with an element of magic. It’s A Wonderful Life is one of my classic favorites – Clarence in the background, working toward his wings. The wish? What would it be like if you had never been born? Another Frank Capra-esque Christmas favorite: The Family Man. I love Tea Leoni. This movie has it all – including the unintended wish. What would Jack’s life be like if he had married the girl of his dreams instead of pursuing his high-flying life as an investment banker? Of course, hilarity ensues as soon as Jack realizes he has to deal with toddlers and a job with his father-in-law. And just like It’s A Wonderful Life, Jack has to find out for himself what is really important. There’s a sweet, real romance between Jack and Kate – made more poignant because Jack gave her up in his real life. This movie has so many of my favorite themes: unrequited love, a real relationship and the fulfillment of a wish.

Eliza Lloyd
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Monica Burns (His to Command) – From Thanksgiving Day right through the month of December, my family celebrates the magic of Christmas with movies galore. The favorite quote from my family is “I’ll triple dog-dare ya!” But for me, my favorite lines come from WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING starring Sandra Bullock and Bill Pullman along with a host of loveable, looney family characters. I love this sweet, sentimental movie that revolves around a family who knows one son is a shallow fool, while they work to get the heroine hooked up with the hard-working son. One of my all-time favorite quotes is when Lucy says “Peter once asked me when I fell in love with Jack. And I told him, ‘It was while you were sleeping.’” Is there anything more romantic than that? Okay, maybe the slipping the diamond ring in the token booth tray is better. That kind of proposal is unique and sigh-worthy. I can never get enough of this romantic holiday movie.

Monica Burns
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Samantha Kane (Loving Michael) – When I was a child my family loved to sit around and watch Christmas movies together. We’d schedule our lives around the T.V. airings of our favorites. Videos were still in their infancy in those days, and forget streaming Netflix. So sports went unplayed, dates were turned down, and school projects went undone so that we could watch It’s a Wonderful Life and White Christmas. My personal favorite was always Holiday Inn. We all had favorite song and dance numbers in Holiday Inn. Fred Astaire tap-dancing on stage using a flag decorated tie for a belt with matching stars on his socks while lighting firecrackers with a cigarette was a family favorite. I adored Be Careful It’s My Heart, which Bing Crosby wrote and sang in the film for his ladylove. In the number the song begins slowly, but when Fred Astaire tries to steal Bing’s girl behind his back by dancing her off her feet Bing changes the tempo to a quick jazz number. What made Holiday Inn so special, however, was watching it with my family and creating lasting memories with them.

Samantha Kane
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We all hope you’ll love Wanton Christmas Wishes and that it will be added to your own special Christmas stories list. And now we ask you: what’s your favorite Christmas movie or book?

HIS TO COMMAND by bestselling author Monica Burns. Book 2 (Novella) Self-Made Men series. A Christmas Eve blizzard and one small act of discipline compromises Charlotte Clayworth, but she refuses John Fordyce's proposal. Now, years later, the Self-made Men decide to reunite the lovers for one more wanton Christmas wish.

THE KISSING BOUGH by NYT & USA TODAY bestselling author Madelynne Ellis. Percy Gilling and Lord William Ricborough share a special bond and require a very particular woman to satisfy their needs. When they encounter Viola Marsh beneath the mistletoe, they know she's the perfect choice. Now all they need do is persuade her that some things are worth sacrificing ones reputation for.

HAMISH by Samantha Kane. Book One of The 93rd Highlanders. During the Crimean War, injured Captain Hamish Fletcher is sent to the hospital in Scutari, where he finds his old friend and lover Dr. Phineus Harper treating the wounded. Finn can keep him at the hospital until Christmas. Will it be enough time to convince widowed nurse Edith Lambeth to grant both men their Christmas wishes?

ALL A MISTRESS WANTS by Eliza Lloyd. Eloisa Larkin wishes for the one thing she can’t have—the love of the powerful Duke of Sterling. Being his mistress provides many luxuries but being hopelessly devoted to a man who loves another as left her feeling alone and the last thing she wants is to spend Christmastide with him and his family.

LOVING MICHAEL by NYT & USA TODAY bestselling author, Kate Pearce. Since returning from the peninsular wars, Michael Waterstone has learned to live within restricted boundaries and taught himself not to yearn for what he can never have. Fortunately for him, ex-courtesan Angelique Delisle is no respecter of boundaries of any kind, and offers him a provocative Christmas wager that might change his life forever...

A CHRISTMAS KISS by Jess Michaels. Tricked into spending time alone with the husband who made it clear he doesn't care about her, the Countess of Blackgrove, Amelia, has no idea how to react. But Stephen only wants seduction... and love.

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dstoutholcomb said...

I love old B&W classics

Eliza Lloyd said...

There are so many feel good movies with Christmas themes. Love all of these movies.

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