
ARC Review: The Best Kind of Love by Kerri Carpenter

The Best Kind of Love is the first book that I have ever read by Kerri Carpenter, but I was excited to read this second chance romance story. I knew from the blurb that this one was going to be emotional, and it was. But I also thought that this book was sweet and romantic and I enjoyed reading it. The characters were complex and I liked them. I loved getting to know Penelope and her sisters, and I really hope that we will get to see more of them.

After losing her job and her parents in the same day, Penelope Walker heads home after being away for twelve years. She returns to her hometown of Blue Lake, Virginia knowing that at least she won't have to see her ex as he left years ago. But when she pulls into the driveway he is waiting for her. Penelope had never expected to see Ethan again after he left her and broke her heart. She never knew what happened between them to change everything, and she thought that they would be together forever. Both Penelope and Ethan have tried to move on, but found themselves unable to over the years. Now with them back to living next door to one another, sparks fly and they find themselves unable to fight the connection between them. But what happens when Penelope finally finds out the truth of everything that happened all those years ago? Will they be able to forgive and move forward with their lives, or will the truth rip them apart once again?

I liked both Penelope and Ethan. They were so in love with one another and had been for so long. As much as they had both tried to deny it to themselves and get over one another, they had never been able to move past the connection that they shared. I thought that both of them had made some bad decisions, but I understood where they were coming from. Ethan had been forced to keep his secret for so long, and you could really tell how much it bothered him. It killed him to do what he had done, but he really did have good intentions and was in a tough spot. I liked that he was so dedicated to winning her back though, and I thought that he was a really sweet and caring guy. Penelope was so smart and had always been so organized and professional. But with Ethan she was able to loosen up and have a bit of fun. I thought that he brought out a side of her that she really needed, and I was glad that she came around to giving him another chance. Penelope and Ethan had such a history between them and I was rooting for these two to figure things out from the start. It was clear that love was never their problem, and I had hope that they would be able to find their way back to one another. 

Overall, I thought that this was a good story. I liked the characters, even if they went about things the wrong way and should have just spoken to one another. This book was really another case of poor communication and characters thinking that they knew what was better for each of them than the other did. I liked Penelope and the bond she shared with her sisters, and I really enjoyed seeing their interactions. I will say that this book was a bit slow though, and at times I found my interest starting to wane. I would find myself wanting to skim parts as I felt that it was a bit drawn out at times. I think that it was still a good story though and I would recommend it to those looking for an emotional and romantic read. I will look for more from Kerri Carpenter in the future, and hope that the other characters in this story get their own books as well.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Anonymous said...

Just wanted to offer up a huge thank you for having me on your fabulous site!!! Really appreciate the review! Happy Holidays! ;-)

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