
ARC Review: Falling for the Enemy by Samanthe Beck

Falling for the Enemy is the third book in the Private Pleasures series by Samanthe Beck, but each book can be read as a standalone with interconnected characters. I really enjoyed this book, and it has everything that I look for in a good romance! This one was hot and sexy, while being witty and fun as well. I had a great time reading this one, and it definitely brought the heat.

Tired of the way things are going in her small town, salon owner Virginia Boca decides to run for mayor of Bluelick. She has taken a vow of celibacy during the election to continue her plan of playing the good girl. But when she is almost run over by the town idiot, she is rescued by a scruffy stranger. Ginny offers to give him a haircut and a shave in order to thank him for saving her, and soon the haircut turns into hot sex that neither of them can forget. But when Ginny finds out that her sexy stranger Shaun is actually her opponent's son, she knows that it can never happen again. But Shaun and Ginny find themselves unable to stay away from each other, and decide to keep their sexy times a secret until the election is over. But in a town as small as Bluelick, nothing stays a secret for long.

I really loved Shaun and all his Wolverine hotness! He was sexy and strong, and he kept Ginny on her toes. I loved seeing these two interact, and their witty banter was awesome. These two had so much passion and intensity between them, and every time they were around each other you could practically see the sparks between them. Ginny was fun to read about, because she was so real. She was intelligent and fun, and I loved that she spoke her mind. She wasn't afraid to go against the grain, and I was rooting for her the entire time. Ginny and Shaun had fantastic chemistry and were so hot together, but I also really enjoyed seeing them get to know one another and fall for each other beyond just physically.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. It was sexy and fun, and I was drawn into the story right away. I finished this story pretty quickly because I was having such a great time reading about Ginny and Shaun. I really enjoyed the secondary characters as well, and it was great to see what the other couples from the series were up to as well. I definitely recommend this story, and I think that romance readers will really enjoy this one as much as I did. If you are looking for some seriously sexy scenes, look no further. I can't wait to read more from Samanthe Beck in the future.

**ARC Provided by Entangled Publishing**

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