
ARC Review: Fight Me by Abby McCarthy

Fight You is the second book in the Wrecked series by Abby McCarthy. This book can be read as a standalone with no problems. I hadn't read the first book in the series before reading this and although I could tell that I had missed some of the backstory for Daws, I thought that Abby McCarthy did a great job of filling the reader in enough to fully understand his story. I will say that after reading and enjoying Fight You so much that I really want to go back and read the first book now.

Aubrey is running from a past that could ruin everything that she has worked hard to get away from. She will do whatever it takes to keep her sister safe, and isn't looking for a guy in her life. Daws is the last person she expects to meet or feel drawn to, and yet she finds herself feeling safe and comfortable with him. But Aubrey knows that if her past finds her, she will run in a heartbeat if it means keeping her sister from the monster in their past. Daws has always been raised to be the bad boy, but he is tired of all the women and everything that goes along with being the son of the president of the Devil Crusaders. But as soon as he meets Aubrey, he knows that he wants a future with her and will do whatever it takes to show her that he is worthy of her trust. But when Aubrey's past starts to catch up to her will Daws be able to keep her and her sister safe?

I liked Daws a lot. He was sweet and protective, and I liked that he didn't mess around with Aubrey's feelings. He was thoughtful and he took care of her and Ari. I really liked that he took to Ari so quickly and that he had no problem with Aubrey and Ari being a package deal. He was so great with both of them, and I loved seeing him earn Aubrey's trust. Daws was exactly what Aubrey needed, just as she was what Daws needed. Aubrey had been through so much, but she was such a fighter. She was strong and determined, and the way that she looked after Ari was something I really admired. She was slow to trust because of her past, but she was able to finally open up and let Daws in and I thought that it was great to see how much progress she made because of him. Daws and Aubrey had great chemistry, and I thought that they were really perfect for one another.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to go back and read the first story as well. I loved the characters, and I thought that the story was interesting. I was able to get right into this one and didn't want to put it down. I really liked Abby McCarthy's writing style and I look forward to reading more from her. I would recommend this story if you are looking for a NA read that is unique and different from others out there. This story was original and fresh, and I really liked that it wasn't so similar to everything else out there. I can't wait to read more in this series, and I am really hoping that we might get Ari's story in the future. She was so sweet and I loved her friendship with Gino. I can absolutely see that turning into more in the future, and I really hope that Abby McCarthy will write more about them!

**ARC Provided by Flirty Subs PR**

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Sophia Rose said...

And another new to me writer and book that I want to try. Nice review, Casey!

Casey said...

Thanks Sophia! I really enjoyed this one! :)

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