
ARC Review: Razed by Shiloh Walker

Razed book two in Shiloh Walkers Barnes Brothers continues with Zane and Keelie. It isn’t necessary to read the first book in the series but to better understand the history between Keelie and the Zach Barnes. The story is very light for a Shiloh Walker novel; I have gotten use to a dark aspect to her stories and this one in comparison to some of her other is a bit lighter. In parts was a bit slow but still enjoyable for me. I love the Barnes brothers, when they find “The One” they know it and don’t give up until she is theirs. Zane I love (and not just because I love the name Zane) he has a dark past that he has hid from his family, but it has helped shape him as a person.

Kellie has a bit of a dark past that keeps her from completely showing her true self; she hides behind her tattoos and a snarky bitch persona. Keelie use to think she was in love with Zach and after a bland kiss she finally let go and gave in to the idea that Zach was meant to be with someone else. At Zach’s wedding Zane finally makes his move on the woman he hasn’t been able to forget about. Keelie gives in to Zane’s kiss, and unexpectedly she gets the zap and tingle she always expected to feel with Zach. Zane lets go of Keelie for now but three months later Zane is moving his life to be closer to her and to finally start living as a full time photographer. To help Keelie open up Zane reveals his dark past to her, opening old wounds. The Barnes Brothers become suspicious about her past when a PI calls looking for an heiress with the exact description of Keelie. Zane helps Keelie admits that her past is in the past and that she needs to face it and finally let go. With Zane understanding Keelie is finally able to move on. But Zane getting Keelie to admit she loves him is another matter and he won’t stop until she does.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sharlene said...

I loved Wrecked & looking forward to this one!

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