
ARC Review: Ryley's Revenge by L.P. Dover

Ryley's Revenge is a part of the Gloves Off series by L.P. Dover, but it can be read as a standalone. This is the first book that I have read by L.P. Dover and while I really enjoyed this book, I wish that I had read the previous books in this series before reading this one. I had no problem understanding what was going on, but it was clear that I had missed out on a lot of the backstory between all the characters. Not only did I miss out on their history, but I just really loved the characters and would love to see more of them. I will definitely be going back and reading the previous books, but I also can't wait to see where L.P. Dover takes these characters.

When Ashleigh Warren left Ryley Jameson, she broke his heart. Now Ashleigh is the one who is hurting though as she faces the idea of possibly carrying Ryley's child while he wants nothing to do with her. Ashleigh is determined to show Ryley that she made a huge mistake though and that she wants nothing more than for them to be together. As much as Ryley wishes that he could move on though, he hasn't been able to get Ashleigh out of his mind. When Ashleigh and Ryley get back together, they have more than just their pasts to deal with though. With others in their lives that would keep them apart, Ashleigh and Ryley must fight for their love if they hope to have a chance at a future together.

I really liked Ryley and Ashleigh both. When the story started it was clear that they were both hurting. They had each made mistakes, but it was clear how much they cared about one another. Ryley was afraid to let Ashleigh in again after she had broken his heart, but I loved how he wasn't afraid to admit his feelings. Ryley was protective and loving, and it was great to see how just how much he wanted to be with Ashleigh and have a family. He didn't have a problem with giving up the partying lifestyle, and I really liked that. Ashleigh had made a bad choice, but I loved that she owned it. She wasn't afraid to say that she had screwed up and that she wasn't going to give up until she fixed it. Ashleigh was always straight forward though, and I liked that she was honest. She didn't play games, and it was easy to see that she would do anything it took for those she loved. It was clear to see the love and connection between Ashleigh and Ryley, and these two had off the charts chemistry. These two were meant to be together, and I really enjoyed seeing this part of their journey.

Overall, I thought that this was a great story. I honestly can't wait to read more in this series, and I really enjoyed not only the characters and story, but also L.P. Dover's writing style. I thought that this book was well written and entertaining, and it held my interest from the very first page. I will say that I had some issues with a few of the secondary characters. I really hated Camden and Colin, and I didn't really understand their motivation for acting as they did. Camden was far worse than Colin, but it didn't really make sense to me why he would turn on his brother the way he did. I think part of that might be my own fault for not having read the previous books, but it wasn't really explained what had happened to cause such a rift between Camden and Ryley. I can't wait to read more from L.P. Dover though, and I would definitely recommend this series.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Sophia Rose said...

I just read one similar to this, but this story line sounds better than the one I read.

Casey said...

I really liked this one a lot and can't wait to read more in this series! Which one did you just read Sophia?

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