
ARC Review: An Affair Downstairs by Sherri Browning

Book two in Sherri Browning’s Thornbrook Park series sees us with Alice and Logan. It was a good read, it wasn’t as good as the first book but I still enjoyed it. It’s an Edwardian Romance, and the new fangled inventions like the telephone are showing up more and more. The romance between these two people who should not be together fall in love; it is a charming story and sexy in all the right spots.

Lady Alice Emerson is a head strong woman who knows what she wants and what she wants is to never get married and to travel. She just has to put off her mother and sister’s attempts at matchmaking until she becomes 25 years old and is finally old enough for the inheritance her Grandmother left her. The one thing she wants most before running off to see the world is to have an affair, specifically with Logan Winthrop and whether he wants to admit it or not he wants her too. Logan Winthrop ran from his past and became the estate manager for Thornbrook Park. Logan was content with his life as it was until Alice showed up in his life and then he realized what he was missing.

Alice tries her best to seduce Logan and Logan tries his best to put her off; but Logan’s restraint is wearing thin. When the appearance of another suitor shows up Logan starts to realize just how much Alice means to him. Alice is involved in a horse accident and Logan’s feelings are revealed, but Alice’s sister won’t have it and talks him out of it so Logan leaves goes back home to finally face his demons.

Without getting really into the story and maybe revealing too much Alice and Logan share a funny and heartwarming story that leads to an event that starts of book number three. It is slow in parts and sometimes it seems like it just needed to hurry up along but Alice and Logan are great characters that make the book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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