
ARC Review: Blood Moon by Lisa Kessler

Lisa Kessler is such a fantastic writer. She is the main reason I took up an interest in paranormal stories. Once I started reading “Blood Moon” I was instantly hooked and could not put it down. She grabbed my attention from the first page! Although I did not read the previous book in the series, “Hunter’s Moon” I never felt lost or frustrated. She connected the events in the past books to this story and everything flowed. When I read “Beg Me to Slay” I knew I would be reading more books by Kessler.

Aside from her fantastic story-telling her hero and heroine always have great chemistry! Nadya Dalca is in the middle of her death! I mean, what a fantastic start! She has been bitten by a genetically enhanced werewolf and she is transforming into a wolf. The writing of her transformation was superb! Reading it felt so real and authentic. I really enjoyed it and thought Kessler really understood what the experience would be like. Because Nadya is very attuned to others feelings none of the members in the pack can help her through the transformation because their emotions are to strong and she feels them to strongly. The only person who isn’t emotionally affected by Nadya is Gareth Takoda. Gareth is also a part of the pack but he is a loner and keeps to himself. A huge part of his isolation is due to his inability to trust the pack after the death of his brother. For reasons of their own, the pack did not move to avenge his brother’s death and Gareth is ready to move on to another location and find his own way.

Nadya and Gareth were perfectly suited for each other. They had excellent chemistry and their opposite traits made them perfectly suited. Nadya has a very visceral reaction to Gareth and even though Nadya doesn’t know what it means Gareth does. But Gareth has very deep issues and he is not ready to become a part of the pack or care for Nadya. I really enjoyed them as a couple.

One would think that after they confess their feelings for each other the story would end but Nadya’s death is still a big issue. Is Gareth ready to lose another person he loves? Kessler combines some very interesting twists and turns into the genetic enhanced wolves and the project. I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen and how she would resolve this issue. I would love to sit one day and just read the previous two books in the series! I’m hooked!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Lisa Kessler said...

Thanks for reviewing Blood Moon! :)

I hope you'll check out Moonlight and Hunter's Moon too...

I'm glad you enjoyed the book!

Lisa :)

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