
ARC Review: More than This by Jay McLean

This book started out so good for me. It grabbed me and made me not want to put it down. But once I got about half-way through, it just seemed to lose the spark for me. The story and the characters started to grate on my nerves and it just was filled with so much over the top drama that I just found myself rolling my eyes at everything especially Mikayla, the heroine.

To me, Mikayla came across very immature at times. I get that she's only 18 and she's had to deal with a lot but the way she handled some things left me scratching my head and annoyed. She also came across a bit whiny at times when it came to Jake. I just wanted to shake her and tell her to open her mouth and just talk to him. It was kind of aggravating.

Honestly, I feel like both of them were immature at times. Instead of just talking to each other bot would jump to conclusions or storm off in a huff, that after awhile it just got annoying to read. I just wanted them to both stop and to talk.

I will say that these two had great chemistry and I really felt their pull towards one another. I thought they had definitely sparks and some of their scenes together just sizzled. Besides their evident chemistry, I will say I really liked these two as a couple. I loved the way Jake stepped up and helped Kayla through everything and become the rock she obviously needed. He was there for her completely and I couldn't help but fall for him a little after that.

Despite my feelings for the second half of the book I really did love the first half and I really became invested not with just Kayla and Jake but all of the side characters that the author introduced us to. I am looking forward to continuing on in the series and I can't wait to see what's in store for everyone.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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