
ARC Review: Owning the Beast by Alexa Riley

Let me start off by saying that this is the second book from Alexa Riley, and I have loved both of them for what they are. When Alexa Riley tells you that her books are meant to be filthy smut and that Owning the Beast contains insta-love and tons of sex, she absolutely means it. While I love a good emotional and in depth story, I also sometimes just love a quick and sexy read that is not meant to be anything more than a hot way to spend a little bit of my time. Alexa Riley always delivers on giving me something sexy and filled with dirty talk when I am in the mood for it. If you are looking for more from a story, then you might not want to read this. But for me, this is exactly what I am in the mood for sometimes and I love that I can get my sexy fix in a short amount of time with Riley's books.

After losing the only parent she had left, Annabella Blanca finds herself being sold as a mail order bride to a husband that she has never met. She wants a family and love, and hopes to find it with the man that has paid for her even though their start isn't what she had always envisioned. When she first meets Griffin Stone, she realizes that he has locked himself away from the world and that he isn't who she was hoping for. Griffin is not only scarred on the outside, but also has let himself harden on the inside. But when Griffin finds out that there has been a mix up and he starts to get to know Annabella, he quickly realizes that she is his and he will do anything to keep her. Griffin's darkness starts to fade with Annabella's help, but can the beast keep the beauty?

I really liked Griffin and Annabella. Both had no idea what they were getting into with each other, and quickly found out that the other wasn't what they had been expecting. Griffin was rough around the edges and started off as a jerk, but he didn't stay that way for long. He was able to open up to Annabella quickly and they started to both see that they could have more together. I loved that Griffin was all alpha and possessive of Annabella, and that he wanted to protect her. Annabella was sweet and kind, but she wasn't shy when it came to telling Griffin like it was. She challenged him, and wasn't afraid of him even when he was a bit gruff with her. I loved the chemistry between these two. It was intense and it was smoking hot. These two were so hot together, and I liked that Annabella was able to be so comfortable with herself despite her lack of experience.

Overall, this book was exactly what I was looking for when I started it. It was sexy and hot, and was a very quick read. I really enjoyed the dirty talking, and I liked how compatible these characters were. Yes there was insta-love and things were unrealistic. But that didn't bother me with this story because I wasn't looking for more with this one. The story itself was a quick and different retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and I liked that it was similar yet also new and had an adult twist on things. Griffin and Annabella's story is perfect for those looking for a steamy version of a classic. I will definitely be reading more from Alexa Riley in the future, and I am already excited about getting my hands on her next story. I highly recommend her books if you are looking for a quick fix when you are in the mood for some straight up smut.

**ARC Provided by We Love Kink Promotions**

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