
ARC Review: The Vigilante's Lover Vol. 1 by Annie Winters & Tony West

This is the first Installment in the Vigilantes series by Annie Winters and Tony West. While this book wasn't at all what I expected, I did enjoy it a lot. With this being the first installment it does end with a cliffhanger, but luckily these are being released pretty close together so the wait isn't long in between. I am already anxious for the next one to see what happens next with Jax and Mia.

When Mia goes to stay with her sick grandma, she stumbles onto some unopened mail. Nothing catches her eye until she sees a letter from Ridley Prison. Deciding to find out who would be writing from there to her grandmother, she opens it up and quickly finds out that it is an erotic letter from an inmate to his lover. She knows that she should just leave it alone, but after receiving several she decides to respond. She never views it as a problem since he is one year in on a fifteen year sentence. But then Jax De Luca escapes and shows up at her door. They both soon realize that they had no idea who they were really communicating with and they don't know who they can trust.

I found both Jax and Mia extremely interesting. These two don't know one another at all, and yet there is definitely something there between them. They both feel the pull, but Jax thinks that there is more to her story than what Mia is telling him. While Jax tries to piece together what is going on and who Mia is, Mia is also trying to figure out who Jax is. Though she has been communicating with him, she quickly realizes that he is involved in so much more than she ever knew about. While they both don't know if they can trust one another, the tension between them continued to build. I was so glad that we got to see some of that without them just jumping into bed with one another. I felt like it was true and didn't rush anything. Though Mia and Jax have a lot of chemistry throughout this book, we really don't get much in the way of anything physical. I don't necessarily need sex to enjoy a story, but I will admit that I enjoy a good steamy book. I really didn't miss it in this book though as there was so much else going on in this story. It was interesting and exciting, and I loved the rush of what would happen next.

I also don't typically read a lot of suspense novels, because usually the relationship becomes secondary to the action. But that wasn't the case for me here. I really felt that while there was a lot going on throughout this installment, that these two were also really starting to develop something between them whether they knew it or not. The way this one ended was fantastic yet frustrating, but I honestly cannot wait for more. I loved seeing these two sort of circle around each other in this book, and I am looking forward to seeing what happens next for them. They are just beginning their adventure together, and I am really excited to see where Annie Winters and Tony West take them next. I would recommend this book if you like a good sexy and tension filled romantic suspense novel. I think that this was a really great start, and I enjoyed this installment a lot.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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