
ARC Review: Withering Hope by Layla Hagen

I have read and really enjoyed books by Layla Hagen before, so I jumped at the chance to review her new standalone contemporary romance, Withering Hope. While I expected to enjoy this book, I had no idea how fantastic of a story it would be! Withering Hope was absolutely everything I had hoped for and more. This book was captivating and beautiful, and unlike anything I have ever read before. If I hadn't already been a fan of Layla's before, I certainly am now. This book is unique and one of a kind, and to me it is an absolute must read.

Aimee is on her way to Brazil where she will be married to the man she has known and been best friends with since childhood. She has planned for everything, except for her fiance's private plane to crash in the Amazon rainforest on the way there stranding her with only the pilot Tristan. As Aimee and Tristan begin to find ways to survive in their new surroundings, thy both begin to realize that the longer time goes on with no rescue that they will need more than just hope. They begin to formulate a plan to make their way to civilization once some of the water clears that is trapping them, but as more obstacles and danger occur, the harder it gets for them. Not only must they face the dangers in front of them, but they must also confront their pasts and their growing feelings for one another. Despite the guilt they feel over their feelings, the soon realize that they are unable to hide anything from one another including the love they share. But can they survive the rainforest long enough to have a chance at something together?

I loved Tristan and Aimee. Tristan was so protective of Aimee right from the start. He was always putting her first and doing his best to keep her going. He did his best to provide for her as well as to help her so that she could take care of herself just in case. As strong as he was on the surface though, he was so vulnerable underneath due to his past. He did his best to keep his distance from Aimee and to shield her from it, but I loved that he finally was able to tell her that he needed her and really open up to her. Aimee was strong and optimistic, and I really was glad to see that she wasn't whiny or annoying. She was in some really horrible circumstances, and yet she did her best to deal with what she had been given. She was able to get Tristan to talk to her and she really helped him to heal from his past. I loved that their relationship was slow to build. It was done as respectfully as possible considering she had been engaged at the start of the book, and it was so easy to see how hard these two fought what was happening. Yet the closer they grew, the more clear it was that they belonged together. Not only had they been able to bond over something that no one else would ever understand, but they had a chemistry and connection unlike anything they had ever felt. These two just had a spark between them, and it was something that is rare and undeniable.

Overall, I really cannot express how much I loved this book. I read it entirely in one sitting, because I just couldn't put it down. Once I had started, I had to know what would happen for these two. It had everything I could ask for in a good book, and truly captivated me from the very first page. This book is an absolute must read, and when I say that it is unlike any other book I have read I am being completely honest. It was simply amazing, and I honestly loved every part of it. I will say that the epilogue was beautiful and emotional, and it left me in tears. I can't wait to read more from Layla Hagen in the future, and I know that this book is one of those that will never truly leave me. The characters and their journey were unforgettable, and I already cannot wait to read it again.

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

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Layla Hagen said...

This is a LOVELY review <3 Thank you so much for loving Tristan and Aimee just as much as I do :)


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