
Guest Post with Author Cecy Robson and Giveaway

Meet Cecy Robson, author of Once Loved.

Cecy Robson is the New Adult author of Once Perfect, Once Loved, and Once Pure and the award-winning author of the Weird Girls urban fantasy romance series. A self-proclaimed professional napper, Cecy counts among her talents a jaw-dropping knowledge of useless trivia, the ability to make her hair big, and a knack for breaking into song despite her family’s vehement protests. A full-time writer, registered nurse, wife, and mother living in the Great Northwest, Cecy enjoys spending time with her family and silencing the yappy characters in her head by telling their stories.

Find Cecy at:

How Once Loved Developed

Thank you so much for being a part of my Once Loved blog tour and for hosting me today.

When I was first approached to write New Adult, I’ll be honest, I wasn’t sure what it was.

“Picture college aged characters struggling to get through their dark pasts,” my super agent said.

When she sensed my unease, she suggested I come up with four blurbs to stir some ideas. Below was the original blurb I created for what became Once Loved.


Lety Tres Santos just wants to be free of the stereotypes which haunt her Latino Family. Her fifteen year-old sister is pregnant and her brother is in prison for aggravated assault.

She leaves for college in the hopes of making a new life for herself and distancing herself from humiliation she feels. There she meets Brody Quaid, the handsome, blond, blue-eyed campus hottie from a well to do family who takes an immediate interest in the exotic and fiery little Latina.

Lety thinks Brody has it all. The best looks, the best upbringing, the best life. But it’s not until Lety gets a glimpse at Brody’s past that she realizes money doesn’t always solve problems or spare someone from harm.

Can Lety help Brody forgive himself for the sins of his past so she may also forgive her own family in return? Or are some deeds too harsh to pardon, and people too different to fall in love?

Yes, yes, it’s a sucky blurb, I know. But although I can write long novels, I cringe when it comes to developing outlines and blurbs, and often just stare blankly at my computer screen doing my best not to drool. Anyway, those who read Once Perfect could probably guess my original intention was to share Lety’s story first. But her brother, Mateo, a sexy bouncer /underground MMA fighter drew the attention of my agent and editor. Go figure.

As happy as I was that Mateo would have his chance in the spotlight, it led to some issues. I’d already planned Lety and Brody’s journey from beginning to end―at least in my mind. I had scenes and dialogue racing through my thoughts and my fingers eager to type them onto the screen. But because Once Perfect was selected as the first novel, everything I meant for Lety and Brody changed.

I was only able to provide glimpses of Lety and Brody’s relationship: their obvious adoration for each other, but also sadly their abrupt and painful end. You see, I never intended for Lety and Brody to break up. But it had to happen based on the ending of Once Perfect. The good news is, Once Loved marked the start of their new beginning and became a novel so different from what my mind initially constructed.

Do you know what? Sometimes change can be . . . amazing. The time elapse between the novels forced me to age Lety and Brody by two years. As a result, I was able to create more intimate moments, and profound scenes between them. They felt more because they’d endured so much being apart. Additionally, I don’t think their love or strength would have been as believable had they been younger. And given the way their relationship ended in Once Perfect, Lety and Brody had realistic and serious issues to overcome.

I know I’m speaking in code―because I don’t want to give too much away. But I wanted to give you an idea what often happens behind the scenes when creating a novel, and how ideas are sometimes shoved aside for something better.

I hope you enjoy what happens between Lety and Brody, lovers who had an unexpected fresh start, but what I hope to be a beautiful future.

He’s the campus golden boy. She’s picking up the pieces of her broken past. But in Cecy Robson’s scorching novel of second chances—perfect for readers of Monica Murphy and J. Lynn—their differences only make their connection more explosive.

Every memory Lety Tres Santos has from her childhood comes with a scar—some emotional, some physical. Her father is an abusive drug addict, and her mother enables his destructive behavior. College offers Lety a fresh start . . . until her father finds a way to ruin that, too. Now, after losing her scholarship to kick off junior year, Lety must somehow stay in school, pay tuition, and turn a deaf ear to the whispers that follow her. And she intends to do it all without Brody Quaid’s help.

Brody is a lacrosse star, a 4.0 student—and as a freshman, he fell hard for the beautiful and spirited Lety. But their relationship crashed and burned because he couldn’t break through the walls she’s put up around her heart. With Lety hurting more than ever, Brody strives to win her back and make her believe in real love and true partnership. That will mean opening up secrets locked away in his own past—and trusting someone more than he’s ever dared.

Lety knows how painful it can be to depend on the wrong man. She also knows how much Brody wants to do this the right way. But it takes more than sizzling desire to move on and build a future together.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |
Check out the Shattered Past series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Gift Card, Loveswept Mug + Romance at Random Nail Polish

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Cecy Robson & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Cecy said...

Thank you for the feature and for the opportunity to stop by your blog. Wishing you a wonderful new year!

Sonya said...

Love Cecy's books!

Sophia Rose said...

Wow! I never realized that writers would potentially have to nearly write a whole new book or switch up the order in a series. I must say that I'm glad Teo got his story and Lety's story was moving and fantastic. I can't wait for Sofia's turn.

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today! This post is awesome!

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