
ARC Review: Camden's Redemption by L.P. Dover

Camden's Redemption is book four in L.P. Dover's Gloves Off Series, and I have been waiting for this story for so long. I will admit that I wasn't Camden's biggest fan after everything that he did to Ryley and Ash, but I was honestly curious how he was going to be able to make up for it and become the person that I knew he could be. L.P. Dover did a great job of showing that even the biggest jerks can make up for their mistakes, and that they deserve a second chance. Camden won me over in this book, and I have to say he has become one of my favorites from this series. 

Camden Jameson had always been in his twin's shadow growing up and when they got older and joined the UFC it remained the same. After betraying his brother Ryley and Ryley's girl Ash, he turned to the Dark Side. The Dark Side was a place where anything goes, and Camden did some horrible things but he tried to make things better. Now that he has left the Dark Side, he has a powerful enemy who will stop at nothing to make sure that Camden pays with his life. But Brooklyn Avery has been working undercover to make sure that Camden is protected while they hunt down those that would kill Camden. She has been watching him from afar for months, but when the danger gets too close they are sent back to Brooklyn's hometown where the rest of her team can help keep watch. But when Brooklyn and Camden come face to face, neither one of them expect the connection that quickly forms between them. But with danger and secrets surrounding them, will they be able to have a chance at a future together and can Camden finally find his redemption? 

I have been far from Camden's biggest fan, and for so long I didn't understand his actions. While I still don't support what he did, I do see what lead him there and I understand him so much better. He really has changed over the course of this series, and I knew it would take a lot for me to be able to see past what he had done. But I really thought that with Brooklyn's help as well as him finally taking responsibility for himself, that he was really able to become a better person. I really liked who he was in this book, and I was so glad that we actually got to see the good that was inside him. He was great with Brooklyn, and I liked that he wanted to be better and different for her as well as himself. Brooklyn was so great, and she was exactly what Camden needed. She was smart and strong and didn't let him get away with crap, but she was also really supportive and encouraging. She was always in his corner, and helped him to realize that he was capable of being better. She helped him see that he needed to try harder with his brother and that he shouldn't give up on getting forgiveness. These two were opposites in a lot of ways, and yet they also both had so many things that were similar. Brooklyn had experienced a lot of pain as well, and it was something that helped her bond with Camden. These two connected on every single level, and really were the perfect match for one another.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I thought that it was well written and offered so much to fans of this series. I liked how balanced it was, and thought that it had just enough suspense and action to keep things interesting, but that it didn't take over the story. Camden and Brooklyn's relationship was the heart of this story, and I loved seeing these two get to know one another and fall hard. The chemistry between them was great, but I also just loved seeing these two getting to know one another. Camden needed someone to believe in him, and Brooklyn did from the start. If you haven't read this series yet, I would highly recommend that you check it out. While it isn't necessary to start at the beginning, I would suggest reading these in order because you really get to see where each of these characters has been and there is so much of the story that continues from one book to the next. I honestly cannot wait to get the next book in this series, even though it is the last one. I know that I will definitely be looking for more from L.P. Dover in the future, as she always delivers a solid story that I know I will enjoy.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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