
ARC Review: One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas

If i'm honest, I have been both dreading and anxiously awaiting for One Night: Unveiled by Jodi Ellen Malpas. While I needed to know the conclusion to Livy and Miller's story, I have come to know and love these characters and didn't want their journey to be over. I have to say though I really enjoyed this book, and I am so happy with where these two ended up. Jodi Ellen Malpas did a great job giving these characters a very satisfying ending and I loved the epilogue! I will say that if you haven't already read the first two books in this trilogy that you need to read those before this one as these are not standalone books and are intended to be read in order.

One Night: Unveiled picks up after the events of One Night: Denied, with Livy and Miller in New York. Miller and William will do anything to keep Livy safe, and Miller is determined to stay in New York until he can figure out his next move. Miller will do whatever it takes to get out of his world, and finds himself working out what that means for his relationship with Livy. But when Nan gets sick, Livy insists on going home to care for her regardless of the danger it puts her in. As Miller and Livy struggle with their deepening relationship, they are forced to face the past and what that means for their future. With the obstacles already in their way, they are forced to face even more when Livy's family history starts to unravel as well. Can Livy and Miller find happiness and light for their future, or will the darkness consume them and take away their chance at a life together?

I absolutely love Miller. He is so complicated and quirky. He just gets better with each installment, and this one was no exception. He is sweet and thoughtful, and yet he is also completely protective and possessive when it comes to Olivia. He would do anything for her, and continually shows that throughout each book. I loved getting to know more about him in this book, but his past absolutely broke my heart. I felt so badly for him, and I was really glad that he had Olivia's unwavering love and support. He needed someone committed and strong, that wasn't willing to give up easily and that is exactly what he got with Olivia. Livy was so great with Miller throughout this series, but I felt like she really showed it in this book. She could not have been more perfect for Miller, and I love that she encouraged and supported him and his odd ways while also keeping him on his toes. She wasn't afraid to challenge him, but she also knew when he needed things a certain way. These two really were better together, and I loved seeing them really settle into their relationship and work together against those that would threaten their life together.

Overall, this was a great ending to this story and while I am happy with how it ended I am also really sad that it's over. I think fans of this series will really enjoy getting to see how things played out for these two, and thought it wasn't an easy ride for them it was worth everything that happened. Jodi Ellen Malpas did a great job of weaving this story together throughout each installment giving us just enough to keep us interested, and yet saving the answers we were desperately seeking for this last book. Once everything was revealed there was so much that made sense throughout the series that I had wondered about, and I was glad that things were resolved in a real and believable way. I was glad that we got answers to everything and enjoyed getting to know some characters better that we hadn't before. I will say that while I thought this was a great conclusion to the series the reason I didn't rate it five stars was that the beginning was a bit slow to me and I felt that at times the book was repetitive. But the more I read, the more things picked up and I couldn't put it down. I absolutely adored the ending of this book, and I wish I could go into details but I don't want to spoil anything. Trust me when I tell you that it was absolutely perfect, and I thought it was one of the cutest things ever! I honestly cannot wait to see what Jodi Ellen Malpas writes next. She never disappoints, and I am looking forward to more from her in the future. This series is one of my absolute favorites, and I know that it will be one that I will never forget.

**ARC Provided by Forever (Grand Central Publishing)**

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