
ARC Review: Rebel by Callie Hart

Rebel is the first book in Callie Hart's new Dead Man's Ink Series. Although Dead Man's Ink is actually a spin-off of her Blood & Roses Series, you do not need to have read the B&R series in order to understand this one. Rebel was the first book that I have read by Callie Hart, and I really enjoyed it. It definitely won't be the last book I read by her, and I can't wait for the next Dead Man's Ink book. I will warn you that Rebel does end with a cliffhanger, but I would still recommend reading this book.

After witnessing a horrible crime, Alexis Romera is kidnapped. Her captors find a fake ID in her purse and come to the conclusion that her name is Sophia. In order to protect herself, she goes along with it and adopts a new persona. She is soon sold to a man that is out to get vengeance for his uncle's murder, and though he knows that Sophia is lying about who she is he goes along with it until he can figure out who she really is. Rebel needs Sophia to testify about what she saw in order to make those responsible for killing his uncle pay. But Sophia has no intention of putting her family at risk by telling anyone what she saw. As Sophia and Rebel spend more time together though, they both find themselves drawn to one another and that could lead to complications they never imagined.

Rebel was sort of a mystery for most of this book. We see who he currently is and get glimpses of his past, but I felt like we really didn't even begin to scratch the surface until the end. He was so much more than just this rough MC guy, and I really liked seeing the good side of him as well. He was good with Sophia and I really felt like he was being honest with her. Sophia was feisty and strong, and I loved that she wasn't afraid to stand up to any of the MC guys. She knew what would most likely happen to her and she was willing to do whatever it took to remain strong and survive. I also liked that she didn't immediately fall for Rebel. She didn't start to feel anything for him until she saw who he was underneath it all. These two are really interesting together, and I think it will be entertaining to see what happens from here. Their story seems to just be getting started, and I am anxious to see more of the chemistry between them.

Overall, this was a good first installment for this series. I will say that it seemed a little slow at times, particularly when it came to the relationship between Rebel and Sophia. I am hoping that in the next two books we will get more of them and really get to see where things will lead them once they know more about each other. I find the club business interesting and I want to know more about the war that is coming, but I also really want more of the focus to be on Rebel and Sophia. This book as I stated before does end on a cliffhanger, and we definitely have a lot left up in the air. I am anxious to find out what happens next, and I can't wait to see how Rebel responds to the situation we left him in. I recommend this book if you are looking for something a bit darker with some grit to it. If you are looking for something light and fluffy, this is not the book for you. I look forward to more from Callie Hart in the future.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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Sophia Rose said...

Nice review and good break down on the story. Still not sure if I want to read it. Must be a mood thing.

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