
Guest Post with Author Megan Frampton and Giveaway

Megan Frampton writes historical romance under her own name and romantic women’s fiction as Megan Caldwell. She likes the color black, gin, dark-haired British men, and huge earrings, not in that order. She lives in Brooklyn, NY, with her husband and son.

Thanks for the chance to stop by here today! I’m excited about the release of When Good Earls Go Bad, my Victorian Valentine’s Day novella.

When Good Earls Go Bad pairs a literal woman—an owner of an employment agency that helps place unfortunate women—with a logical Scottish earl, who’s hired a house in London for a short time, as well as a housekeeper. Whom he did not expect to find in his bed. Nor he in hers.

This is one of my favorite scenes, since it shows just how maddening and adorable Annabelle is (which the earl realizes, eventually). I’m pretty sure I giggled all the way through writing it, it felt like a screwball comedy that Carole Lombard might star in.

“Who are you?” His voice held a foreign accent, but it was his obvious outrage that she listened to the most.

“Who am I?” she said, pushing herself back into the corner of the bed, her back making a comforting contact with the wall. “Who am I? I am supposed to be here, whereas you . . .”

“Are supposed to be here also,” he replied, before she could finish her sentence.

And the foreign accent clicked it all into place, and she felt her stomach whoosh in panic and terror and . . .

“You’re the earl. And you’re early.”

His face did not change, not even when she stressed “early” as in earl-y.

“And who are you?” he said, folding his arms across his—oh my goodness—naked chest.

“The housekeeper?” Annabelle hated that her voice rose at the end, as though she weren’t quite sure herself. “The housekeeper,” she said, this time in a much firmer tone. But not nearly as firm as his chest was; it was rippled throughout with all sorts of intriguing muscles and a light dusting of dark chest hair, and his shoulders were so broad it seemed he filled the room, or at least her vision of the room.

And suddenly she was even warmer in her bed than she’d been five minutes ago.

The Scottish earl should not be this attractive, which she could tell even only by the moonlight. Imagine the impact when she viewed him with the full strength of the sun. She shuddered at the thought, only the shudder somehow seemed to feel more like a shiver. Of something.

Thanks again for having me today!

Megan Frampton’s Dukes Behaving Badly series is back, though this time it’s an earl who’s meeting his match in this delightfully fun and sexy novella!

What’s a lovely young woman doing asleep in his bed? Matthew, Earl of Selkirk, is shocked to discover it’s his new housekeeper! She’s a far cry from the gray-haired woman he expected. Matthew is no fan of surprises, and Annabelle Tyne is pure temptation. Perhaps he shouldn’t have had her hired sight unseen.

Annabelle, co-owner of the Quality Employment Agency, is no housekeeper, but she wasn’t about to lose a potential client simply because there was no one to fit the bill. Imagine her shock when the Earl arrives at his London townhome and she’s awoken in the night by the most attractive man she’s ever seen.

Matthew is a man who lives life by the rules, but sometimes rules are made to be broken…and being bad can be very, very good.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 3 Digital copies of When Good Earls Go Bad

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Megan Frampton & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Annette Naish said...

This book sounds like just what I love to read - romance and laughter.

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today!

Anonymous said...

Brodick Buchanan from Julie Garwood's RANSOM. Would love to ride through the Highlands with him and see that beautiful country.

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