
Interview with Author S.C. Stephens and Giveaway

Meet S.C. Stephens, author of Thoughtful.

S. C. Stephens is a #1 bestselling author who spends her every free moment creating stories that are packed with emotion and heavy on romance. In addition to writing, she enjoys spending lazy afternoons in the sun reading, listening to music, watching movies, and spending time with her friends and family. She and her two children reside in the Pacific Northwest.

How did you choose Kellan’s name?
Kellan’s name came to me while I was writing, although, I originally had him as Denny and Denny as Kellan. It didn’t take me long to switch them.

What was hardest about writing the story from Kellan’s perspective?
I think the hardest part was making sure everything lined up with the first book. I went through Thoughtless page by page to make sure it was consistent. What was the most fun? Any scene where all of the guys were together. I love the camaraderie between the band members.

How has music played a role in your life and in your writing?
Music gives me ideas, and is basically the reason for Kellan’s existence. I “saw” him singing every song I listened to on the radio. I fell in love with him long before I wrote his story.

When was the moment that you knew you had to be a writer?
I’ve always had the desire to write, but no real story to tell until Thoughtless. But it probably wasn’t until my fourth or fifth book that I realized I wanted to write full-time.

What can you tell us about your Kellan and Kiera, that we won't find in the book?
The current ending to Thoughtless is not the original ending. The first ending was far more tragic, and I liked it, but didn’t love it. After the initial reviews came out and fans felt the same way, I thought of ways to change it.

In Thoughtless, Kiera told her story. Now it's time to hear from the sexy rock star who captivated us all . . .

The only place Kellan Kyle has ever felt at home is onstage. Gripping his guitar in a darkened bar, he can forget his painful past. These days his life revolves around three things: music, his bandmates, and hot hookups. Until one woman changes everything . . .

Kiera is the kind of girl Kellan has no business wanting-smart, sweet, and dating his best friend. Certain he could never be worthy of her love, he hides his growing attraction . . .

Until Kiera's own tormented heart hints that his feelings might not be one-sided. Now, no matter the consequences, Kellan is sure of one thing-he won't let Kiera go without a fight.

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Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Signed Set of the Thoughtless Series
  • 5 Print copies of Thoughtful

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Special thanks to Forever Romance for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
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