
Sealed With a Kiss Event with Alyssa Alexander

Despite being a native Michigander, Alyssa Alexander is pretty certain she belongs somewhere sunny. And tropical. Where drinks are served with little paper umbrellas. But until she moves to those white sandy beaches, she survives the cold Michigan winters by penning romance novels that always include a bit of adventure. She lives with her own set of heroes, aka an ever-patient husband who doesn’t mind using a laundry basket for a closet, and a small boy who wears a knight in a shining armor costume for such tasks as scrubbing potatoes.

Find Alyssa at:

Alastair Whitmore, Marquess of Angelstone and code name Angel, is a spy bent on revenge, but with the soul of a musician. He’s searching for a ring of assassins—and he thinks he’s found one in Lilias Fairchild.

Lilias Fairchild is no society wallflower. She’s marched with Wellington, experienced tragedy, fought her own demons for revenge and found peace. But it’s all ripped away when she meets Angel and discovers the truth about her past.

Check out Alastair and Lilias' love story in In Bed with a Spy.

Revenge has never been so seductive.

When her husband is killed at Waterloo, Lilias Fairchild takes up his cavalry sword and boldly storms the front, earning herself the nickname Angel of Vengeance. But there is another angel on the battlefield who is just as single-minded, and just as ruthless…

Alistair Whitmore, the Marquess of Angelstone, is a British spy. Code name: Angel. Still haunted by a first love felled by assassins, his mission draws him to Waterloo, where he is captivated by a beautiful and mysterious woman fighting amongst the men—a woman who becomes his most intoxicating memory of war.

Passion has never been so dangerous.

Two years later, Lilias and Angelstone lock eyes in a crowded ballroom and the memory returns in an exhilarating rush. The history they share, and hide from the world, is as impossible to ignore as the heat of their attraction. But it’s that very connection that spells doom for their scandalous affair. When someone from the shadows of their past proves a dire threat to their lives, passion might not be enough to save them.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Check out the Spy in the Ton series:

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Chocolate & Cup

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Alyssa.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Alyssa Alexander for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

Two angels meant for each other! <3

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the post and giveaway! This sounds great. :-)

Unknown said...

Love the excerpt! Added to ever growing TBR list!

Alyssa Alexander said...

Oh, thank you Susan!

Alyssa Alexander said...

You're most welcome! Good luck!

Alyssa Alexander said...

Oh, yes, the TBR pile. Mine teeters!

lorimeehan said...

New author to me it was nice to meet you Alyssa!

Laurie said...

Loved Angel and Lilias' story!

Annette N said...

I love the fact that there is love in spite of differences not becasue of sameness. Lovely premise

Alyssa Alexander said...

Nice to meet you too Lori! Good luck in the giveaway!

Alyssa Alexander said...

Oh, so, so glad, Laura!!

Alyssa Alexander said...

Thanks, Annette! I confess, these two are special to me!

Brooke Showalter said...

Oh I loved this! Great letters. :)

Beautiful Disaster said...

New author for me and the letters were wonderful. I look forward to reading this book soon.

sheryl said...

Loved the letters! I love Angel and Lilias thanks for that!

Jan Hougland said...

I just recently purchased In Bed With a Spy but haven't read it yet due to a multitude of reasons. But I intend to read it asap! I love the combo of historical romance and intrigue; it makes for such exciting romances. :-) And I love the idea of letters written by the heroes and heroines on this blog tour. Very nice indeed. Thanks for the post.

Unknown said...

And I thought the book was fabulous! These letters just made it even more.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alyssa. You're a new author to me and I was wondering if In Bed With A Spy could be read alone or would you recommend reading The Smuggler Wore Silk first for better understanding of the story?

Marcy Shuler

bn100 said...

interesting heroine name

Glenda said...

Wonderful letters! Thanks, Alyssa!!

dstoutholcomb said...

this sounds like a wonderful story

Kristina said...

New author to me but it sounds really interesting :)

Unknown said...

Most of mine are on my iPad (using Kindle app)...going to have to get one with more storage!

Amber A. said...

Aww. I love romantic letters and I think these gave us a good look at the characters at the same time :) Thanks for sharing and thanks for the giveaway!

Karen H said...

Well, what do you know? Another new-to-me author and I'm wondering how I missed you until now. Your books sound exactly like those I love to read, so hello Alyssa...I live in MI too!

Sandy Kenny said...

Thank you for posting here. You are new to me, but I really think I'm going to love your stories!

Alyssa Alexander said...

HI Marcy! Thanks for stopping by! I would say In Bed With A Spy can be a stand alone book. Angel first appears in The Smuggler Wore Silk, but the plots don't overlap, so no need to read them in order. Read them in whatever order appeals to you! And I hope you enjoy!

Alyssa Alexander said...

Aw, Ki, so glad you enjoyed the book and the letters!

Alyssa Alexander said...

I like combining romance and intrigue too! Adding in the history makes it challenging and fun. I hope you enjoy In Bed With A Spy! And I agree, the love letters are a great idea!

Alyssa Alexander said...

You know, I almost changed it, since it was unusual. But it was too late. She was Lilias in my head, and any other name would have changed her character for me too. So, Lilias she remains!

Alyssa Alexander said...

Well, hello, Karen! Hope you're staying warm wherever in Michigan you are! The snow outside my window is piling up these days…so I'm dreaming of Mexico. :)

Alyssa Alexander said...

Thanks, Amber! I truly loved these characters. They were both wounded, and both had the strength to heal and fall in love again. It was hard to let them go at the end of the book!

Alyssa Alexander said...

Thanks so much, Brooke!

Alyssa Alexander said...

I hope you enjoy, Lori!

Alyssa Alexander said...

You bet, Glenda! Thanks for stopping by, and so glad you liked them!

Mike'sLady said...

I have never heard of you, but I LOVE the cover of your book The Smuggler Wore Silk. The Title and the colors are very intriguing. Good Job!

Mike'sLady said...

Oooh, and all my hubby's family is from Michigan! Our favorite place to vacation (every year in fact) is Mackinac Island. It seems that is the only place he can truly relax. We are from the suburbs of Detroit...Sterling Hghts, Roseville, Warren...are you familiar?

Carol L. said...

I love reading these letters. I am putting this on my TRL. I want to read about these 2 Angels.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Alyssa Alexander said...

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy them, and please, let me know if you do!

Alyssa Alexander said...

Very familiar! I grew up in the suburbs, and so did my husband. As for Mackinac Island, I haven't been in ages--but now I have a hankering to go back...But, you know, it's not because of the fudge or anything. :)

Alyssa Alexander said...

I hope you enjoy, Carol!

Sharlene said...

Sounds like a lot of angst in this one! Thanks for the gorgeous letters.

Di said...

I love a woman warrior!

made4books said...

You're new to me! Glad I found you!

Unknown said...

Loving the letters and looking forward to reading your novel!

Anonymous said...

What heartbreak and change war brings into a person's life. It sounds like Angel and Lilias will have to fight a second campaign to reach their HEA. I look forward to reading this book.

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