
Sealed With a Kiss Event with Vicky Dreiling

Triple RITA finalist Vicky Dreiling is a confirmed historical romance junkie and Anglophile. Frequent business trips to the UK allowed her to indulge her passion for all things Regency England. Bath, Stonehenge, and Spencer House are among her favorite places. She is, however, truly sorry for accidentally setting off a security alarm in Windsor Castle. That unfortunate incident led her British colleagues to nickname her “Trouble.” Vicky is a native Texan and holds degrees in English literature and marketing.

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Introduction for Harry Norcliffe, Duke of Granfield.

For most of his life Harry has been a happy go lucky kind of guy with pockets to let. His world is turned upside down when his beloved Uncle Hugh passes away unexpectedly. When Harry returns to London, he’s aghast when others congratulate him on his spectacular inheritance. But Harry would gladly give away every penny to have his uncle still in his life. Now that his friends are married, Harry is dealing with loneliness.

Introduction for Lucy Longmore, a young maid and dance instructor

Lucy Longmore has no aristocratic ties due to her mother’s elopement long before Lucy was born. Her life turned difficult when her mother and father died, leaving Lucy to care for her grandmother. Forced to find employment, Lucy and her grandmother move to London. Lucy assists a dance master who shorts her wages and treats her with disrespect. Lucy vows to own her own dance studio one day and be master of her own destiny. But one misty night after losing her sewing position, Lucy encounters a thief. Her screams alert a gentleman, she calls Sir Galahad.

Check out Lucy and Harry's love story in What a Devilish Duke Desires.


Harry Norcliffe never wanted to inherit his beloved uncle's title. The rigidity of the ton, the incessant reminders from his marriage-minded mama that he must settle down with a highborn lady and produce an heir and a spare: it's all such a dreadful bore. So when his mother asks him to take part in a dancing competition, he patently refuses. The last thing he needs is another chore . . . until a beautiful, brilliant, delightfully tempting maid makes him rethink his position.


Most women would be over the moon to be pursued by a wickedly handsome-not to mention wealthy-duke like Norcliffe. But Lucy will not be any man's trophy. She could use a friend, though, and what begins innocently soon ignites into desire. As Lucy tries to resist Harry's scorching kisses, he makes an utterly irresistible offer. Enter the dance contest with him, and win a prize that could change her life forever . . . if falling in love doesn't change it first.

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 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Print copy of What a Reckless Rogue Needs

To Enter: 
  • Please leave a comment or question for Vicky.
  • US shipping ONLY.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Vicky Dreiling for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

And I have to wait till the 24th!!!
But I am excites and can't wait! Harry really needs his HEA~ :)

Carol L. said...

Looking forward to read about Harry and Lucy. Thanks for their letters.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Sue G. said...

Glad she came to her senses!

dstoutholcomb said...

wonderful letters!

Gretchen said...

Sounds like a fun story!

Beautiful Disaster said...

I'm looking forward to reading this book soon. Thanks for sharing :)
Happy Valentine's Day,

erin said...

I didn't know that Ms. Dreiling had a new book coming out! I'm so excited :) thanks for the fun post! Definitely caught my attention :)

Unknown said...

Looking forward to reading...adding to ever growing TBR pile.

Annette Naish said...

The letters are lovely - she is a lucky woman to inspire such devotion.

Kim said...

Thanks for the letters. I haven't read any books where the heroine is a dance instructor. It's an interesting premise.

Glenda said...

Wonderful letters, Vicki! I've got to get caught up on this series!!

Unknown said...

Great letters!!! Looking forward to reading about Harry and Lucy!!!

Jan Hougland said...

I stand with Vicky, I'm a "confirmed historical romance junkie and Anglophile!" I spent one whole summer in jolly old England in 1986...with brief forays into Scotland. I still didn't get my fill of all things British and want to go back again. I missed Bath, Stonehenge, and Spencer House...wah! The letters on this post are wonderful and I hopefully will be able to read What a Devilish Duke Desires soon so I can check out Harry's and Lucy's story. Love your writing, Vicky!

Cathy P said...

I love your books, Vicky! Really enjoyed the letters, and am looking forward to reading this one. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anita Yancey said...

It sounds like a wonderful story, with great characters. Love that book cover.

made4books said...

Long time fan here!!!! Adore your books and cant wait for this new one!!!!! Thanks for all the hours of enjoyment!

made4books said...

Long time fan here!!!! Adore your books and cant wait for this new one!!!!! Thanks for all the hours of enjoyment!

Anonymous said...

I loved Harry's letter and Lucy's response...especially when she begs him to call on her ASAP.

Marcy Shuler

joye said...

I liked that I was introduced to an author I have yet to read. This book sounds like the kind I enjoy reading

sheryl said...

Loved the letters, can't wait to read that book.

Sharlene said...

I have been looking forward to Harry's story!

bn100 said...

nice letters

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the dance videos on your page. It looks like a wonderful way to spend the evening. We have contra dancing here almost weekly. I finally talked my husband into going, but he didn't enjoy the couple of dances we tried so we haven't been back. We did attend a small Highland Ball at a Celtic Festival and thoroughly enjoyed the Scottish country dances we participated in. I look forward to reading this series.

Unknown said...

Thank you for this giveaway!!

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