
ARC Review: Sweetest Temptations by J.C. Valentine

Sweetest Temptations was previously published as a part of the Red Hot Alphas Boxed Set, but is now available as a standalone from J.C. Valentine. This is the first book in the Blue Collar series. While this is a contemporary story, there is also a bit of suspense to it. This one was sweet and sexy, and the mystery kept me turning the pages to find out what would happen next. 

Abby has just opened up her own bakery, and her first customer is a handsome stranger. When she goes to dinner at her meddling sister's house, she is pleasantly surprised to find out that her setup for this week is not another awful guy like usual but is instead her handsome customer. Kennedy is a firefighter, and they quickly hit it off. Things are finally starting to go her way, when random accidents begin happening at the bakery. At first it appears to be coincidence, but soon they figure out that someone is out to get Abby. Can they figure out who is behind the attacks before it's too late? 

I liked Abby and Kennedy. I have to admit that I didn't really care for Kennedy's name. It seemed like more of a girl's name to me, and I was glad that he was mostly referred to as Ken. I did like Ken and Abby together though, and I thought that they were really sweet and sexy together. Ken was a really nice guy, and he was caring and normal. I liked that he wasn't afraid to be completely honest, and he didn't have a problem being in a relationship. He was interested to see where things would go, and it was very refreshing to see a guy that didn't run from commitment. Abby was smart and fun, and I liked her character a lot. These two were great together from the start and seemed to have it all. I will say that their connection felt a bit rushed to me. They went on a few dates, and everything just happened very easily. It felt a little too good to be true at times, and there wasn't any conflict or drama when it came to their relationship at all. It wasn't very realistic to me, and I felt like it was just too fast for things to have been so perfect when things don't happen like that in real life. Not all relationships are filled with drama, but there is usually some conflict or things that need to be worked on, and that didn't happen here at all. 

I also thought that the ending of this book was very abrupt. Right after the action it just basically stops. While I did like how things turned out in regards to what happened with the bakery and in regards to Abby and Ken's relationship, I wanted more. I thought that it would have been nice to sort of lead up to what happened at the end, or to have seen a bit down the line. It just left me sort of reeling after everything that had happened, and wasn't what I had been hoping for. I did enjoy the story though, and this was a quick and easy read. It was nice to just lose myself in the story for awhile and get to enjoy the characters. I think that if you are looking for something short and sweet with a little bit of suspense that you might give this one a shot. It had it's funny moments and was entertaining, and I think a lot of readers will enjoy this one.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage PR**

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