
ARC Review: To Cherish and To Hold by Nicole Simone

To Cherish and To Hold is the continuation of Marlene and Luke's story from Love of a Rockstar by Nicole Simone. Though To Cherish and To Hold is said to be a standalone, I really wouldn't recommend reading it that way. Since this continues the story from the first book, you will miss out on a lot if you skip ahead. I also think that you need to experience the backstory for these two characters as their history is pretty complicated and has greatly affected their current relationship. 

Marlene Parker and Luke Anderson are finally back together, and their family with their daughter is complete. But now that Luke and Marlene are getting married, they quickly find out that being together isn't always easy. As Luke and Marlene try to juggle the planning of their wedding, the opening of their new restaurant and raising their daughter, they are also trying to deal with the fallout from Luke deciding to quit the band. When Marlene suddenly realizes that she is pregnant again, she begins to worry that history will repeat itself. Can Marlene and Luke make it through together this time, or will they find themselves repeating the same mistakes they made before? 

This novella was short and sweet. We got to see how far Luke and Marlene have come, and yet they are also falling back into old patterns. Marlene didn't seem to fully trust in their relationship and wasn't quick to go to Luke for the support she needed. With her going elsewhere in her time of need, she hurt Luke. When they fought they threw their past mistakes back in each other's faces and continued to hurt one another. Yet they also clearly loved each other and wanted to make things work. I just wish that they had talked to one another more and really leaned on each other. A relationship takes a lot of work, and it seemed like these two still had a lot of work to go. I was hoping to see more growth for these two, but it didn't really feel like that. They still have chemistry and a connection, but if they continue to run when things get tough their relationship will be in trouble down the road. 

While it was nice to catch up with these two and see more of them, I have to say that I was hoping for more. I figured that after everything these two would be on more solid ground, and the fact that they both screwed up and acted poorly in this novella disappointed me. Marlene turned to others, and Luke got mad and shut Marlene out. I wish I felt better about these two at the end, but it honestly just felt like things were resolved far too easily which makes me think that they would be experiencing more of the same problems in the future. I have to say that I am interested in getting Camille's story next. I am really curious after seeing how she was acting when it came to Luke's friend. I hope that her and Marlene can repair their friendship after everything that has happened. Things were still strained in this story, and you could really feel the space between them. I think that fans of this series will want to read this story to get more of Luke and Marlene and will enjoy seeing how things are playing out after the end of the first book.

**ARC Provided by RockStarLit PR**

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