
ARC Review: Very Twisted Things by Ilsa Madden-Mills

Very Twisted Things is the third book in the Briarcrest Academy Series by Ilsa Madden-Mills, but this book is a standalone novel. You do not have to have read the previous books in this series, though the characters are interconnected. I really enjoyed this book and I liked the characters, there were just a few things that kept this one from being a homerun for me. I would still recommend it to fans of the series though, or anyone who enjoys the New Adult genre.

Sebastian Tate is the lead singer of the Vital Rejects, and while they are taking a break he has been trying to land a huge role in a movie that would make his acting career take off. He is fake dating America's sweetheart in a relationship that benefits both of them, though he isn't really interested in her. When he moves next door to a sexy violinist, he can't help but feel drawn to her. Not only is he attracted to her, but her music draws him in and makes him want to know her better. When they finally come face to face, sparks fly and they both begin to feel something between them. But he knows that he can't have anything with her while he is supposed to be working on his movie career. Violet lost everything when a tragic accident drastically changed her life, now she spends her time hiding in her Hollywood mansion. But something in Sebastian makes her want to live again, and she finds herself finally moving on with her life. But she refuses to be Sebastian's secret, and wants him to be all in with her as she is with him. 

I liked Violet, and I thought that she was really strong even though she did have some issues. She might have been hiding out in her home and afraid to really live life, but she never gave up her music fully and it was clear she was waiting for something to help jump start her life again. She was funny and smart, and I loved that she didn't let others push her around. She wouldn't settle for being at Sebastian's beck and call even though she did love him. I also really liked Sebastian, but I did have a few issues with him. I didn't like the fact that he knew he had feelings for Violet and yet he continued the farce with the bitchy actress. I wanted him to ditch her and really acknowledge his feelings for Violet. His excuses for pushing Violet away also didn't really hold up to me. I understand that he had been hurt before, but it just seemed like he was using it as a crutch rather than because he was genuinely hurt. I didn't understand why he kept waiting so long when he knew things with Violet were different. I did think that these two were great together though, and I loved that they had chemistry and a connection. Their relationship seemed to be so strong because they clicked on so many levels, and I think part of that was that they shared a passion for music. 

Overall, this was a really good story. I loved the characters, and I loved that Violet was a survivor. She could have given up and yet she found a way to battle back and move forward with her life. Violet and Sebastian were great together and I liked seeing them get to know one another. I also really liked Spider and Mila, and I would love to get to know them better. I will say that I wasn't really a fan of the epilogue. While I liked knowing what happened, I thought that it was a bit cheesy the way it was done. But I would still recommend this book, and I look forward to reading more from Ilsa Madden-Mills in the future.

**ARC Provided by Stephanie's Book Reports**

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