
Interview with Author Lavinia Kent and Giveaway

Meet Lavinia Kent, author of Bound By Bliss.

Lavinia Kent is a former two-term president of the Washington Romance Writers and a four-time Romance Writers of America Golden Heart nominee. She lives in Washington, D.C., with her family and an ever-changing menagerie of pets.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I am waiting for a real snowfall. I know everybody who lives north of DC will hate me for saying this, but as each storm just misses us I am left longing for real snow. I spent much of my childhood in Wisconsin and it doesn’t seem like the seasons are really passing if I don’t have a few days of looking out the window at mounds of white.

I live here in DC, with my husband and children and our two cats. I retired very early from my job as a marketing director to become a mom and a writer. I get easily hooked on television, particularly programs with strong heroes and complex storylines. (Arrow, anyone?) I also love reading (a little bit of everything) and hiking in the woods. I live on the edge of Rock Creek Park and, despite being in the city, am only steps away from nature at its best.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I’ve always enjoyed making up stories. I often have a hard time keeping my head in the real world when I’m doing housework or even just walking down the street. It took laptops becoming commonplace before my actual desire to be a writer really took off. (And yes, I am that old.) I hate writing longhand and I’ve never been good at sitting at a desk for long.

What kind of writer are you? Pantser or Plotter?
I work at being a plotter, but I am a complete pantser. I know the beginning and the end of the story and a few points in between, and then the rest just happens.

Where do your ideas come from?
Mostly from my characters. I know who they are and then they tell me what will happen – although I often torture them and give them more obstacles than they would like. They always want to be happy by page 40, and it just doesn’t lead to an interesting book.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less?
I really like my promo copy, so I’ll use that with a few changes.
Lady Bliss, a free spirit, learns her true desires from Stephan Perth, Earl of Duldon, master of heart and body—and of the sweetest discipline.

What are some of your favorite kinds of stories to read?
Everything. I tend to go through phases and read one type of thing for a month and then I’ll pick up something different and get hooked on another genre for a while.

Do you have a favorite book and if so what is it?
Whatever one I am reading. I do have some old favorites, but my love of a book is based as much on the memory of reading it for the first time, and where I was in life, as it is on the actual book. For instance, I still love Barbara Cartland, but it’s because I remember how I felt reading her books when I was thirteen. Oh, how I wanted big eyes, a heart-shaped face and a small pointy chin!

What are the scenes that are the hardest for you to write?
Transition scenes. I hate having to get my hero and heroine from big scene to big scene. I really want to write, “and then stuff happened.”

If you could have dinner with any three authors, who would you choose and why?
Lois Masters Bujold, Karen Marie Moning, and Elizabeth George. I’d invite the first two, because I’m very interested in world-building at the moment and I’m intrigued by how they’ve grown and expanded worlds from book to book. The last because, even years later, I’ve never forgiven her for killing off Helen, and I want to yell at her about it! Probably not the best idea for dinner, but sometimes, when something stays with you for a while, you seek a way to put it aside. Maybe I’ll have an imaginary dinner.

Last question, are you working on anything right now?
Right now I’m working on finishing a novella (not a cliffhanger this time) and completing Ruby’s story. Yes, she does get her own book.

How do you get ready for spring? I’m trying to convince myself to make a plan, but I’m still in hibernation. Are you cleaning? Planning the garden? Thinking of getting healthier?

In Lavinia Kent’s luscious, erotic historical romance, a free spirit learns her true desires from a master of the heart, of the body—and of the sweetest discipline.

Lady Bliss Danser, daughter of the Duke of Mirth, is a scandal waiting to erupt. Which is why her highly conventional brother wants to saddle her with Stephan Perth, Earl of Duldon, the only man he thinks will marry her. Worse, Stephan keeps threatening to punish her, to teach her just how a woman should behave. His words may cause Bliss to tingle in the strangest places, but that doesn’t mean she likes the man himself.

Stephan has secretly desired Bliss for years, but he knows how close he is to losing his beloved. Careful not to rile her impetuous heart, he promises only to aid Bliss in her search for another fiancĂ©. And if she’s determined to understand the male body first, he’s happy to comply in that regard as well. However, she must follow his rules or face the consequences. Slowly he takes Bliss to the darker, steamier side of his world . . . where she realizes that Stephan is everything she’s ever wanted.

Bound by Bliss is an erotic romance intended for mature audiences.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |


Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $25 Gift Card + Loveswept Mug

To Enter: 
  • How do you get ready for spring? I’m trying to convince myself to make a plan, but I’m still in hibernation. Are you cleaning? Planning the garden? Thinking of getting healthier?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Lavinia Kent & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Sue G. said...

I'm looking forward to the snow being gone ( I have over 3 feet on my deck at the moment) but not doing anything special yet while I'm waiting.

Carol L. said...

I'm praying for Spring. :) It doesn't seem to be letting up here in Jersey. The temps make me feel like I live in the North Pole. I'll just keep reading since it's too cold outside to do anything else. This way no one says "is that another book " ? lol Thanks for sharing with us. I 'll be looking forward to reading there Bound and Determind series.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Cathy P said...

We haven't had much of a winter so far, except for cold temperatures and several snows that were 1-3 inches. However, I am definitely ready for spring.

kscathy AT yahoo DOT com

dstoutholcomb said...

I change out the decor to pastels and put up some Easter decor. So ready for Spring!

Lavinia Kent said...

I have to confess that I am soooo ready for spring. We had an ice storm last night and when the sun rose and the trees sparkled it was unbelievably beautiful -- even more beautiful was the sound of it melting.

Tasty Book Tours said...

Thank you for hosting today! Great Interview with Lavinia!

Glenda H. said...

I am ready for spring...thinking about what I will plant in the garden and if I'll grow some of my plants from seed like I usually do. Tomorrow it looks like the blizzard warnings are in Southern MN but just a shift...unfortunately we may get freezing rain which may be worse than a bit of snow. I am sick of winter.

kipha said...

I'm definitely planning on cleaning and organizing my bookshelf but also planning a photo shoot too.

JanD said...

I've been working out since January because I find winter motivates me to get healthier.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

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