
Review: Losing Track by Trisha Wolfe

Losing Track is the second book in the Living Heartwood series by Trisha Wolfe. These NA books are not the typical story you would expect from the NA genre. While this is the second book in the series, each book can be read as a standalone and I honestly don't think it matters what order you read them in. While I liked this book better than the first in the series, I still had some issues. 

Melody and her best friend Darla have been inseparable since they became friends as kids. Now years later, they spend their time traveling around on bikes with tatted guys and are always looking for a good time. But when then a tragic accident changes everything, and Melody is forced to face her demons. When she meets Boone Randall, she sees a good guy looking to tell her why she should be living the sober life. At first they clash, but the more they are around one another the more drawn to each other they find themselves. Soon Melody finds out that Boone is so much more than what she first thought, and she realizes that she had no idea who he really was. Now she must decide if she is willing to change the path she was on, or if she isn't ready to leave the only life that she has ever known. 

I liked both Boone and Melody. Melody is a total tough chick, and I love how comfortable she was in her skin. She wasn't afraid to be her own person, and I liked that she didn't let others get away with any crap. She was feisty and could hold her own, and I really admired that about her. She did have her issues though, and I was glad that Boone was around to help her start to see some of that. Boone was the same as her in that he wouldn't let her get away with any BS. He forced her to sort of face things that she hadn't before, and I was glad that she had him to help her ease into life after the tragedy. Boone was so much more than I expected at first, and he surprised me in a lot of ways. I enjoyed learning more about him as the story went on, and his layers were peeled back. I thought that these two had really strong chemistry from the very start, and they also clicked on a level that they didn't with others. They seemed to be able to understand one another in ways that no one else got. I liked that they had things in common, but that they could also learn and grow from each other as well.

I will say that I thought the first half of this book was very slow. I wasn't feeling the connection between the characters, and I wasn't invested in the story. There were a few times that I thought about giving up, but then something would happen that would pull me back in and make me want to continue. After about halfway through though, things really started to pick up and I started to really enjoy the story. I wish it wouldn't have taken so long for it to pull me in though and I think that was a lot of my issues with this book. I will also say that there was something that happened in the very beginning of the story that I felt like got swept under the rug far too easily and I wasn't happy that it didn't get dealt with in a different way. Though I liked Jesse at times, he did something truly awful and was granted almost instant forgiveness as though it wasn't a big deal. I didn't like that at all, and I wish it had been better dealt with. It wasn't okay what he did, and I felt like it really changed my opinion of the characters and the story. While I had these issues I did like parts of the story, and I was really interested in finding out what would happen between Boone and Melody. I liked these two together a lot and thought that they were really great for one another. I am curious to read more from Trisha Wolfe in the future, and I will continue this series. But I will say that this series is so raw and rough, and there are some really dark elements to it. I think that readers should beware that there are some things in these stories that might be triggers for them, and decide if these books are right for them before reading.

**Review Copy Provided by AToMR Tours**

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