
ARC Review: Bound to be Tempted by Becca Jameson

This was my first time reading Becca Jameson. I thought after reading the “Fifty Shades of Grey” Trilogy nothing would shock me but I have never read Jameson before. I personally like books with substance, even if there is only a little substance. Even though this book was outside my comfort level I really enjoyed it.

Emergence is a club where people go to participate in BDSM, role play scenes, look for partners, etc. “Bound to Be Tempted” is the fourth book in the series. Margaret Donovan is a bisexual woman. She has had female partners in the past but never any male partners. When she sees her ex- girlfriend with a man she becomes curious and wants to take a Dom. Carlton Fisher has had his eye on Maggie for a couple of months now. He works at Emergence as bouncer at night but does a lot of behind the scenes work as well. One of the reasons that he is so captivated by Maggie even though he has not had much interactions with her is because she looks very similar to his old girlfriend that died in a car accident. When he sees that Maggie is looking for a Dom and sees her in a scene with a man he realizes that he wants to help her out. He offers to “train” her for two weeks so she is in capable hands. He knows about Maggie’s break up and understands she is in an emotionally vulnerable place.

So obviously there is A LOT of sex. They are constantly going at it and with different toys that Carlton has and that he wants to teach Maggie about. Aside from the sex they eventually form a relationship. At first I thought that the author was not going to be able to form a real connection between them but she did and this made me like the book more. Maggie came from a very conservative and religious background. Once her parents found out about her bi-sexuality they put Maggie through a lot of things. All this repression form her parents built up in Maggie. When Maggie was in her submissive role she wasn’t herself. I had a hard time with this because Carlton controlled all aspects of her life, even her clothing. However, when they were out of role play she was herself again. I really liked Maggie and even though she was submissive she was also very tough and had to deal with a lot of violence and harsh realities. This is where the author really surprised me. She developed the story so that Maggie comes to grips with some events that happened to her when she was a young teenager. Also, the author throws in a surprise when Maggie receives menacing letters about her lifestyle. Someone is watching her and they are not happy with her choices.

Finally, I couldn’t put the book down. Once I started reading I was intrigued with Maggie and Carlton. Carlton was a great guy and he truly loved Maggie. He also came to terms with different events in his past. When Maggie confessed her love for Carlton I expected him to have a completely different reaction. I thought that the author had many surprises in the story and when I thought it would go in one direction she completely switched it up. I’m sure many fans of hers will love this book. If anyone hasn’t read her I recommend her as original and engaging.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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