
ARC Review: Forever Red by Carina Adams

I have read and enjoyed books by Carina Adams before, but I can honestly say that Forever Red is my absolute favorite by her. I could not put this book down! It has several of my favorite tropes, and it all added up to one fantastic story. This friends to lovers story was also a second chance romance, and Nate and Lia were fantastic together. I know that I will absolutely be reading more from Carina Adams in the future, especially after this book. 

Nathaniel Kelly is a successful country star but no matter how much he has, he has never been able to forget the girl that broke his heart. He had loved and lost Cecelia when they were kids, and he never expected to see her again. Nate spent years trying to find her, but he never had any luck until he does a show close to home. Nate is surprised to find her there with her friends, but he figures that it is time to finally get some answers. Cecelia had her reasons for doing what she did, knowing that she could never live with herself if she let Nate give up his life to stay with her. That has never stopped her from loving him or wishing that things had been different though. When they are suddenly thrown back together, they realize that the connection they once shared is as strong as ever. But can Nate and Lia have a chance together after all their years apart and all the obstacles that now stand in their way? 

I cannot even begin to describe how much I loved these characters. Nate was so sweet and he really made me fall in love with him right along with Lia. He was such a good guy, and my heart absolutely broke for him when things ended for them as kids. Nate would have done anything for her, and it was clear that it was more for them than just a childhood kind of love. Their connection was deep and their feelings true. Lia had not had the easiest life, and I understood why she made the decisions she did even if I didn't like them. She was doing what she thought she needed to, and I was so upset for her because she broke her own heart right along with Nate's. These two were meant to be together, and that was clear to me right away. Their connection was so strong that it couldn't be broken, even with years and secrets between them. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. It was so good, and I was instantly drawn in. I was so captivated by this story that I read it pretty much in one sitting. I found the world falling away as I became more invested in Nate and Lia's story. I loved that Carina Adams gave us both the past and present, and also Nate and Lia's POVs. I felt like it really allowed the reader to get a feel for exactly what each character was going through, and it gave this story a depth that is often missing when a story is told from only one POV. I really enjoyed being inside these character's heads and seeing how they were experiencing everything that happened. I would definitely recommend this book to those looking for a solid romance story with all the feels. This book was exactly what I needed, and I know that Nate and Lia will be characters I want to go back and visit again. I cannot wait to read more from Carina Adams in the future.

**ARC Provided by Between the Sheets Promotions**

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