
ARC Review: Kyle's Return by L.P. Dover

Kyle's Return is the fifth book in the Gloves Off series by L.P. Dover, but this book can be read as a standalone. I would recommend reading this series in order though to get the full experience. Kyle has come so far since the beginning of the series, and I really think that it adds a lot to this book if you are able to see just how much he had to come back from. This book was great, and am so glad that I got to see a different side to Kyle. 

Kyle Andrews is known to be a manipulator, and did whatever it took to win. But after being wounded in a fight, Kyle's whole life changed. Two years after being left with no feeling below the waist, he is now able to walk again and is determined to start making up for his past. His first step is to set things right with the only family he has left, his sister Kacey. When Kyle ends up meeting Megan at the gym his soon to be brother in law owns, he finds out that she isn't like others. Megan is slow to trust Kyle, but offers him a chance to prove that he is worth a second chance. Megan sees that he isn't as bad as he was known to be, and soon their connection begins to grow. But Kyle's past isn't all these two have to fight, and when Megan's shows up it could destroy everything she has been building with Kyle. 

I really liked Megan. She was such a great heroine. Strong and determined after everything she had been through. She wasn't weak when she had every reason to be terrified, instead she turned her life around and found a way to help others like herself without letting her fear control her. She made Kyle work for it, but yet she also believed in him and supported him when no one else did. She showed him that he deserved a second chance, and she helped others to see it too. I really liked that she was willing to take a chance on him after all that she had been through, and her belief in him really showed that there was good inside him and that he was taking things seriously. Kyle had so much to make up for, and I absolutely hated him when we first met him in this series. I had thought that Camden had a lot to come back from, but Kyle had just as much of an uphill battle if not more of one than Camden did. But Kyle really had changed, and I did believe that he was a better person than he had been before. Kyle and Megan had such a great connection and a ton of chemistry. I thought that they were perfect together, and they just fit one another. 

Overall, this book was a great addition to this series and I really enjoyed the story. I was glad to see some familiar faces, and especially enjoyed seeing more of Tyler and Kacey. L.P. Dover has done a great job with this series, and I love seeing how each of the couples are doing as this series continues. But what she has managed to do with characters such as Kyle and Camden is something that I find so interesting. L.P. Dover takes these characters that are complete jerks that you can absolutely hate, and then turn their lives around in a way that makes you end up loving them just as much as their heroines do. I love her books and her characters are always so unique and different. If you haven't read this series yet, you are definitely missing out. I have loved each book of Dover's that I have read, but I have to say that this series has probably been my favorite. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next, and I know I will be reading more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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