
ARC Review: Playing With Temptation by Erika Wilde

PWT is a win for readers like me. This book has strong erotic content, an assertive female lead and an alpha male who knows how to bring out the best in her. To put the proverbial frosting on the cake, there is a mystery/suspense plot line that maybe isn't the most fleshed out but was still a good accompaniment to the plot. This is my first Erika Wilde book and I find myself wondering, where the hell have I been?

Brief summary: PWT is about Raina and Logan. Raina is the confident heroine who runs a successful business and a less than successful love life. Logan is my absolute favorite flavor of alpha man. Logan is an ex-marine who dominates in the bedroom but also provides security outside of the bedroom. More than just being passionate about his woman and sex life, Logan is passionate about and dedicated to his family and the people he loves. Logan and Raina meet and hook up at the Players Club, a sex club where Raina goes to spice up her decidedly unspicy life. Of course they connect sexually only to find out that Logan is assigned to protect Raina when a stalker threatens her safety. They then have to navigate between wanting to jump each others bones and the need to maintain a professional distance.

Ok, so normally I don't love sex club books. I don't like the idea of the leading couple having sexual interactions with other people. However, I can get past it when it's used in the plot the way it was in this book. I was pleasantly surprised by how mature the relationship between Raina and Logan was. Despite the...unusual beginning to their romance, Raina and Logan develop a real connection that is well depicted. Raina has some issues (who doesn't?) and often that can turn into a lot of unnecessary angst and melodrama in a plot line. That didn't happen here. Logan was the stabilizing force every woman dreams of when she is at the intersection of looney and bat shi% crazy.

I was expecting a book where Logan would free Raina in the bedroom. What I got was a book where that happened but he also had open and honest adult communication with Raina that helps us to understand the connection between the two characters. It was a little insta-lovey but I can totally deal with that when the relationship is actually developed throughout the book.

This was a really fast read for me because there was internal conflict in the relationship between Logan and Raina (they were holding back which unfolded through out the book) and external conflict in terms of the situation with the stalker. In both cases, there was something to keep you turning the pages.

I know you count on me to tell you about the sex scenes and I would not disappoint you. The sex scenes were smoking HAWT and well depicted. This is the first book in this series and I can guarantee you I will be back to see what comes next!

**ARC provided by RockStarLit PR**

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