
ARC Review: The Slayer by Kele Moon

The Slayer is the second book in the Untamed Hearts series by Kele Moon. Each book can be read as a standalone, but the characters are interconnected and this series is a spin-off of her Battered Hearts series. I had loved Chu in The Viper, and I was really looking forward to getting his story. The Slayer was so good, and I ending up loving Chu and Alaine.

Chuito has not had an easy life. He lost his brother and his aunt to the violent life that he had always known. When his cousin Marcos went to prison, he moved from Miami to Garnet and became a fighter. He might have found success in the UFC, but he still struggles with the nightmares of his past. When he moved in, he met the girl next door Alaine and they began an unlikely friendship. Though there was always a connection between them, he knew that he wasn't the man for her. Alaine is the daughter of a preacher and Chuito knows that he will do nothing but tarnish her halo. He also knows that he needs to return to Miami to take care of his past once and for all, but he finds himself struggling to leave Garnet and Alaine behind.

I am so glad that Chuito's story started at the beginning of everything for him. When I saw that this one had jumped back in time a bit from where we were in The Viper, I was a bit worried that things would be rehashed but that wasn't the case at all. We ended up getting the full story with Chuito, and I really enjoyed seeing how he became the man he was. His life was far from easy, and it was clear that every single thing that happened to him had affected who he was. I loved seeing how his friendship with Alaine had started and seeing them grow closer to one another. Chu and Alaine's relationship was slow to build, and I was really glad for that. While it was clear to me right away that these two were great together, their relationship was so strong because of the years it took to develop. Alaine was strong and beautiful, and I loved that she was smart. She had always been so kind and supportive of Chu, and these two could not have been more perfect for one another despite their differences. I think it was all the things that made them so different that also made them so right for one another. They had great chemistry and a lot of tension between them, but they also had a really strong connection because of the bond that had formed over the years. 

I am becoming a huge fan of Kele Moon's with each new book I read of hers! This book was a great addition to this series, and I really loved Chu and Alaine. I had loved Marcos and Katie so much that I was worried that these two wouldn't compare. While they weren't Marcos and Katie, they were great in their own way! Kele Moon's writing style is so fantastic, and I can't help but be drawn in right away with each book I have read of hers. She sucks you right in and you find the rest of the world falling away as you devour her stories. I honestly cannot recommend these books enough, and I think that her books are definitely worth the read. The do contain some violence and things that might make some uncomfortable, but the stories are worth it. I cannot wait to read more from her in the future, and I am already looking forward to the next book in this series.

**ARC Provided by As the Pages Turn**

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Kele Moon said...

Thank you sooooo much for being part of the tour!! Totally thrilled you enjoyed The Slayer! :D


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