
ARC Review: Three Hard Lessons by Nikki Sloane

Three Hard Lessons is the second book in the Blindfold Club series by Nikki Sloane, and holy hell does this woman write some hot stories! I was really excited to read this book because I loved the first one, and this one was just as good as the first! Nikki Sloane is seriously becoming a go-to for me when it comes to Erotica. This book is a standalone, but for the most enjoyment I would really recommend reading these in order. Trust me, you will not be disappointed! 

Payton is a professional, and men pay thousands of dollars to be with her. But when the handsome Dominic shows up and drops $30,000 to be with her, everything begins to change. Dominic takes all of Payton's rules and breaks them, quickly getting under her skin. Payton has done her best to keep men at arm's length, but she soon realizes that there is something different about Dominic. With Dominic only in town for a short time before he has to return overseas to work, he asks Payton to come with him. Payton accepts and heads to Japan with him, and before long Payton soon finds herself developing feelings for Dominic. Payton was only supposed to be in Japan with Dominic for two weeks, but will they be able to say goodbye at the end of it or will they take a chance and find a way to make things between them work? 

I liked Payton in the first book, but I didn't love her. Then she completely won me over in this story! I loved seeing who she was underneath it all. She was so much more than we had seen, and it was easy to see why she had kept up such a facade. Dominic instantly got under her skin and started breaking down her walls. Dominic was exactly what she needed, and he was able to keep up with her and challenge her. Payton is a very strong personality, so I knew it would have to be someone equally strong to keep up with her. What I loved most about Dominic was that while he was alpha and could keep Payton on her toes, he was also really sweet and was able to give her control when she needed it. These two could not have fit more perfectly together, and I honestly believed in their connection from the start even if it was an instant one. The chemistry between these two was smoking hot, and I am surprised that the sex between them didn't overheat my Kindle. But I really enjoyed seeing them get to know one another and find out that they fit beyond just on a physical level.

Overall, this book was really great! I honestly am really loving this series and Nikki Sloane's writing. While I really enjoyed this book as I did the previous one, the one thing I will say is that it did put me a bit outside my comfort zone. I don't typically read any F/F content, and this book did have a bit of that as the first one did. While it didn't bother me, it just isn't my thing. It was a pretty small portion of this story though, so it wasn't enough to really change my opinion on this story and I loved Payton and Dominic enough to get through it. I think that this series is definitely worth the read, especially if you like your books scorching hot with a great story as well. I don't honestly know that I could pick a favorite out of the two, because I liked them both so much and for completely different reasons. I will absolutely be keeping an eye out for more from Nikki Sloane in the future, and I cannot wait to see what she comes up with next.

**ARC Provided by Flirty Subs PR**

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