
ARC Review: Until July by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Until July is the first book in the Until Her series by Aurora Rose Reynolds. This series is a next generation spin-off from her Until series, and features the children of the Until series characters. I hadn't read the Until series before reading Until July, and I didn't have any problems reading this book as a standalone. I think that fans of the Until series will enjoy seeing familiar faces and getting to know the kids better, but it isn't necessary to have read those books before this one. While I liked this book, I did have some issues with it. Until July left me with mixed feelings, but I did enjoy it. 

July Mayson and Wes Silver never expected for their first encounter to lead them to more. It wasn't exactly a fairy-tale beginning when July almost ran him off the road on her motorcycle and then tased him. But they both felt a connection and couldn't forget the other. But their disastrous beginning leads to them wanting to see where things go. As they begin to get to know each other better, they find themselves facing more obstacles than they ever expected. Though things between them don't seem to ever go smoothly, they can't help but feel more for each other than they have ever felt before. But can they get through everything together, or will they eventually be torn apart with everything they have to face? 

Ok so my biggest issues in this story were sadly with the characters. I like a hot and sexy alpha as much as the next girl, but there is a fine line between commanding and a total jerk. Wes had his moments with both. At times he was super protective of July and it was really hot how he wanted to claim and possess her. Then other times he was just flat out rude and a complete jerk. I was so torn with how I felt about him, but for the most part he was just really passionate about July and I understood that. I didn't like when he went overboard, but it wasn't constant. July annoyed me at times, and did some really stupid things. I wanted to shake her on more than one occasion and found myself rolling my eyes at her several times. But she also had her great moments, and I really liked her with Wes. I felt like these two really did have a connection though and there was a lot of chemistry between them. 

My other big issue with this book was how rapidly everything happened. To say that this was a case of insta-love is an understatement. These two went from strangers to a horrible date, and almost immediately to in love with each other. It was ever referenced in the book several times how quickly things moved for these two, and I found it completely unbelievable. I really wish that we had been able to see these two really fall in love with each other, but it was just so rushed and happened so fast that we really missed seeing that happen. I would have loved to see more of these two getting to know one another and how they merged their worlds together as their relationship strengthened, but I honestly felt like when it came to these two being together it was just too easy. They had drama and obstacles don't get me wrong, but at the same time things were always smoothed over relatively easy and July pretty much just went along with whatever Wes did without putting up much of a fight. I did like that most of the issues for these two were outside their relationship, but I also thought that some of it was just not real because of how much of a non-issue these huge life changes were made out to be. I liked these two together, and I did like a lot of the secondary characters. Despite my issues with this book, I did find it entertaining and I will read more from Aurora Rose Reynolds in the future. I am looking forward to reading the next book in the series about July's cousin Jax.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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