
RFTC Hall Pass Event with Cynthia Eden

Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller.  Cynthia is also a two-time finalist for the RITA® award (she was a finalist both in the romantic suspense category and in the paranormal romance category). Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over fifty novels and novellas.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate.  Her favorite hobbies including hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

Hall Pass…If Only!

Hi, everyone! I wanted to offer a huge “Thank you!” to Danielle for inviting me to participate in this event. When she told me that I would get to name heroes on my Hall Pass List…I knew it would be fun, but hard! How was I supposed to pick just three guys? I have so many book boyfriends. So many fabulous, wonderful guys that would make for perfect hall pass material.
It was hard. It was painful. But…I picked three guys. And they are…

Alec Kincaid from Julie Garwood’s THE BRIDE. Why, yes, I *did* just go old school on you with this one. But Alec Kincaid is one of my all-time favorite heroes. Sexy, tough, and with an accent that could drive anyone wild, Alec is at the top of my list. Um, maybe I should re-read this book. Like now.

Lachlain MacRieve from Kresley Cole’s A HUNGER LIKE NO OTHER. Okay, so…maybe I like a little monster in my man (Buffy and I shared that love—see, there’s a reason I was so addicted to watching the vampire slayer!). Lachlain was so fierce and strong (and, perhaps a bit crazy at the beginning of the tale, but he totally leveled out!). By the end of the book, he would do ANYTHING for the woman he loved—and I just think that is hot. By the way…another guy with a hot accent. I think I’m starting to see a trend with my picks.

Dane Hollister from Linda Howard’s DREAM MAN. Ahem, I mean…DETECTIVE Dane Hollister. And, yes, I did just go all old school on you again. But this book has a permanent place on my keeper shelf, and if hall passes were being given out, I’d use one on Dane. This guy laughs at danger, he knows his way around a bedroom, and I’m pretty sure if I ever looked into his eyes, I would lose the ability to form a sentence.

So there are my top 3. And for one commenter… I will be giving away a print or digital (your choice) copy of THE BRIDE by Julie Garwood. In addition to the copy of THE BRIDE, I will be giving away a print of digital copy (again, your choice) of my sexy romantic suspense, TWISTED.

I’d really love to know—what do you think makes for the sexiest of heroes?

Thank you so much for checking out this post. Have a great day!

Amazon - B&N

Amazon - B&N

Amazon - B&N

Dean Bannon comes to New Orleans for one reason only: to track down a missing sixteen-year-old girl. That’s before he meets the drop-dead gorgeous con artist who makes him want to lose his legendary control.

With her past, Emma Castille doesn’t claim to be psychic. She just notices things other people don’t. Like the fear in a runaway’s eyes—or the pain in an ex-FBI agent’s heart. Her chemistry with Dean is blistering, but Emma follows her passion… not someone else’s orders.

Then a madman breaks into Emma’s home and leaves a twisted message: You’re next. Now Dean refuses to let her out of his sight until he pries every last secret from her full, sexy lips. And suddenly Emma’s aching to give him everything he wants.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |
Check out the Lost series: 

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 copy of Twisted + The Bride

To Enter: 
  • What do you think makes for the sexiest of heroes?
  • Choice of print or eBook copy.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Cynthia Eden for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Unknown said...

First of all, I'm a HUGE Cynthia Eden fan! She always has the hottest heroes. Personally, I'm a fan of alpha males... The more protective and possessive, the better!!

Sue G. said...

I like a hero who is protective and honest. I love when they are all bad ass but then become a softy for the woman they fall for. And if they are tall, dark hair and sexy that's like the cherry on top of the sundae!

Unknown said...

A strong man who speaks quietly and firmly, very protective. Reese from the tv show Person of Interest has that kind of vibe. That's what I imagine Henry from M.Q. Barber's Neighborly Affection series sounds like.

erin said...

a great sense of humor and humility :) thanks fo sharing!

Timitra said...


Cynthia Eden said...

Thank you so much!!!! ;) And I am all for those alpha heroes, too!!

Cynthia Eden said...

Oh, yes, I totally love everything you've just said!

Cynthia Eden said...

I've never watched Person Of Interest--but I'll be tuning in now!

Cynthia Eden said...

I love that you mentioned a sense of humor! My first big "crush" was on Bruce Willis when he played on Moonlighting--his character was so funny to me!

Cynthia Eden said...

Totally agree! ;)

Kim said...

Strong, funny and intelligent men with a heart of gold make the sexiest heroes.

Sandy Kenny said...

I love a hero who is protective and family-centric. He also needs to have a good sense of humor. I like your list, by the way. One I'd add to the list is more of a tv character, though--Dean Winchester of "Supernatural"--such a hot, sexy tough-guy who is willing to lay down his life for his family and friends.

Jane said...

Congrats on the upcoming release, Cynthia. I think of a sexy hero as someone who is trustworthy, intelligent and has a sense of humor.

Bube said...

Loyalty,strong,protective and Alpha :D
Eep,The Bride is one of my all time favorite books and I love,love Alec!
Big fan of Cynthia Eden,you are fantastic author and one of my favorite :)
Thank you for the wonderful post and amazing giveaway Cynthia :)

Cynthia Eden said...

That heart of gold is so sexy!!

Cynthia Eden said...

I LOVE Dean!!!!! Thank you so much for mentioning him!!! I love him and his pie. ;)

Cynthia Eden said...

Thank you, Jane!

Cynthia Eden said...

Thank you so much, Bube!!!!!!!!!!

lorimeehan said...

Aloha males are my favorite and I love the book The Bride!!!

sheryl said...

Like the alpha male. I like mine to be loyal, honest, and kind of a bad boy

Anonymous said...

I think intelligence, protectiveness and a sense of humor make for a sexy hero.

Marcy Shuler

Mary Preston said...

He must be respectful, strong, intelligent and have a sense of humor.

bn100 said...

smart and alpha

Glenda said...

Intelligent, honorable, loyal, a great sense of humor and yeah, a sexy accent does add to his appeal!

MrsMac19 said...

I think intelligence and humor are sexy traits for any hero!

Aleksandra said...

I love them smart and all protective ;)

Marcy Meyer said...

I love an alpha, with a great sense of humor and some humility.

jessiel said...

Alpha, loyal, confident & sense of humor

jessiel said...

Alpha, loyal, confident & sense of humor

Anonymous said...

Loyalty, honesty and an alpha persona. Also tatts help.
Nicole Ortiz

Betul E. said...

Alpha males!!

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