
RFTC Hall Pass Event with Heidi Joy Tretheway

Heidi Joy Tretheway is a sucker for campfires, craft cocktails, and steamy romance in books and real life. She sings along with musicals (badly), craves French carbs, and buys plane tickets the way some women buy shoes.

Her first career as a journalist took Heidi behind the scenes with politicians, rock stars, chefs, and detectives, all of whom inspire her stories. Her books feature feisty dialogue and whip-smart characters who break rules and hearts.

Heidi Joy is currently working on her eighth book from her home in Portland, Oregon, and she adores hearing from readers.

When Dani first suggested the idea of “Hall Pass Heroes” I adored it at once—who doesn’t love to escape in a book with a sexy, demanding man who’s going to tease out your naughtiest desires? (Or maybe I’m just over-sharing…?)

I write heroes that I’d love to take a Hall Pass with in real life. In The Phoenix Candidate, my hero, Jared Rankin, demands things of Grace Colton that she’d shelved in her fantasies between “that sounds hot” and “don’t you dare.” Dive into that book to explore an explosive power dynamic and a few delicious taboos.

From his deep voice and dark eyes to the stubble that begs to be touched, Jared is my kind of alpha—demanding but not boorish, controlling in the bedroom but someone who relishes a woman with spirit and nerve. He wants Grace to push back.

I’m not a fan of “alpha-holes” as they’ve been called. But each hero can be his own kind of strong, and that strength must test the strength of my heroines. In my Tattoo Thief series about a rock band, each book is a standalone love story about a different member of the band. I had to find a different source of strength (and attraction) for each couple. Here’s how that played out:

In Tattoo Thief (which is currently free on all ebook retailers), Gavin, the lead singer, is the intense creative spark in the band. He trashes his penthouse, abandons his dog and flees the country, leaving his house sitter Beryl to pick up the pieces and figure out what can bring him home. Her naïveté helps him trust her, and her guts make him ultimately fall for her.

In Tyler & Stella (Tattoo Thief #2) Tyler, the bassist, is the rule-breaking, slightly awkward guy who loves taking care of people—he falls for Stella, a girl whose self-reliance and preference for bad boys makes her a prickly challenge. She’ll have to choose between selling a story to advance her career as a music journalist, revealing the truth about both the band and herself.

In Revenge Bound (Tattoo Thief #3), Jayce, the lead guitarist, is the musical powerhouse for the band. Intense, muscled and demanding, he craves the kind of control he can’t have with groupie-of-day. When he meets soft-spoken Violet, a freelance photographer assigned to shoot the band, his protective instincts kick into overdrive to catch her stalker.

In the final book in the series (still untitled and coming this summer/fall), we’ll see a new relationship for Dave, the drummer, who was the band’s original manager. His controlling tendencies drove a wedge between bandmates in Revenge Bound. But he’s being controlled by a girlfriend who uses the band’s secrets as currency for her own ends, and one ugly night from Dave’s past could tear down everything they’ve built.

So which type of hero appeals to you? Pushy? Protective? Sensitive? Enigmatic? My heroes are driven by different things—different appetites for creative freedom, sex, and control. I even imagine what profession would best suit each guy if he weren’t a rock star.

Want to see who your ultimate book boyfriend might be? Click here to try this fun, two-minute quiz!

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U.S. Congresswoman Grace Colton is the most famous woman in politics—and the loneliest—until a drawling, sexy stranger offers her one night: no strings and no regrets. And it rocks her world.

Grace wakes to an empty hotel room and a phone call. The dark horse for the 2016 presidential election, Senator Shep Conover, is considering her as his vice presidential running mate.

Before she can be selected, Grace must be vetted and coached by Shep’s political consultant, Jared Rankin, who already knows too many intimate details about her. He’s Mr. One-Night Stand.

Grace is torn: play nice with Jared to join the senator’s ticket, or play hardball and back the slick frontrunner? As the Democratic National Convention approaches, Grace must decide where her loyalties lie and if she can trust Jared with her future—and her heart.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |
Check out the Grace Colton series:

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 2 eBook copies of The Phoenix Candidate 

To Enter: 
  • So which type of hero appeals to you?
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Heidi Joy Tretheway for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

I liked alphas who are not complete assholes. They need to have some sensitivity, humility and a good sense of humor.

dstoutholcomb said...

I like strong alphas who have a loving side


Sue G. said...

I love the guys who act all bad ass but inside are a real softy for their woman.

erin said...

I'm also not a big fan of alpha-holes... it's a fine line and many authors plunge right off! But I do like an assertive, protective, enigmatic hero... but he's gotta still treat the heroine as an equal and accept her decisions. Thanks for sharing!

lorimeehan said...

Love the alpha males!!!

Mary Preston said...

I like them all, but intelligence is a must.

jessiel said...

I love a protective, sensitive bad ass. Enjoyed reading this post & I've added to my TBRs. Thanks for being part of the Hall Pass :)

Glenda said...

Alpha or Beta it all depends on my mood. Never Alpha-holes. And always, intelligent, caring, honorable, and a sense of humor. :-)

bn100 said...

a well-written alpha

Anonymous said...

Loyal, honest, sense of humor, strong Alpha persona. Love tatts.
Nicole Ortiz

fernanda79 said...

Alpha males that are sensitive and caring

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