
RFTC Hall Pass Event with Samanthe Beck

Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California, with her long-suffering but extremely adorable husband and their elementary-aged turbo-son. Throw in a furry ninja named Kitty and Bebe the trash talking Chihuahua and you get the whole, chaotic picture.

When not clinging to sanity by her fingernails or dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy ways to get her characters to happily-ever-afters, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.

Big THANKS to Dani for inviting me to her Hall Pass Blog Party! The timing is kind of ironic because April also happens to be the month of my wedding anniversary. Hubs and I celebrated 18 years of happy-ever-after two weeks ago. Woo-hoo! Now let me tell you about all the sexy-hot guys I keep on the side. ;) (Honestly, it’s okay. Hubs knows about my book boyfriends. We have that kind of open relationship…the fictional kind).

Now that I’ve made all the necessary disclosures, I present to you, in no particular order, my Top 5 Hall Pass Heroes:

1. Zane Hollander from Robin Bielman’s KEEPING MR. RIGHT NOW. Why? Three words: Sexy. Playboy. Pro-surfer. Need I say more? When you’re looking for the perfect beach read, (or the perfect “wish-I-was-at-the-beach read”), KEEPING MR. RIGHT NOW is your book and Zane is your man. To me, he’s the ultimate sun-kissed hottie, but he’s so much more than a pretty face, or tanned, glistening skin, or rippling muscles rising out of the surf, pulling my gaze to the water-logged surf shorts riding low on his narrow hips as if one little tug would…ahem…I digress. Zane’s also striving to do some good in the world. Succeeding means shaking his reputation as a womanizing athlete, and battling his inner demons to become a better man. I didn’t just lust after Zane, I rooted for him, and then I fell in love with him. I know you will too, which is why I’m giving away an e-copy of KEEPING MR. RIGHT NOW to one lucky winner!

2. Mason Christian from Hayson Manning’s WINNING THE BOSS'S HEART. Mason’s not an easy guy to fall for. Terms like “workaholic,” “hard-ass,” and “all-business-no-pleasure” get hurled his way a lot, and, frankly, he doesn’t give a shit. He’s got a high-stakes project to complete, and he doesn’t have the time or inclination to waste his efforts on nice-guy gestures. But then life tosses funny, sassy Billie McLeod at him, and he can’t toss her back because she’s the only person in the vicinity stupid or desperate enough to take on the role of his 42nd personal assistant. She moves in and well…sit back and enjoy the fireworks, folks. I had so much fun watching Billie humanize Mason, and watching Mason shift from his remote, demanding boss mode to a protective alpha who can’t bear to let Billie go.

3. Charlie Goodman from Maggie Kelley’s BREAKING THE BACHELOR. The name says it all: Goodman. Charlie is Manhattan’s hottest bartender. He’s a strong, addictive shot of naughty served straight up. A smooth-talking ladies man who can’t seem to find the right lines to win the trust of the one woman he truly wants. Me, on the other hand…I like bars. And I like bartenders. But I hate laundry, so believe me when I tell you Charlie Goodman is the only man who could seduce me at the Fluff ‘n Fold. Think you can’t be seduced in a laundromat? Think again. And say hello to Charlie.

4. Ryder McKay from Monica Murphy’s OWNING VIOLET. Tattoo’d bad boy wrapped up in a Boss suit, swimming in a corporate shark tank of sex, lies and ambition. Does that work for you? It worked for prim, duty-first Violet, and it sure worked for me. All my hall pass heroes need a little redeeming—and of course think they’re irredeemable—but Ryder needs a LOT of redeeming. He’ll make you blush. He’ll make you sweat. He’ll twist you into so many conflicted knots you’ll wish you’d never met him, but by the time you finish OWNING VIOLET, you’ll love him.

5. Shaun Buchanan from FALLING FOR THE ENEMY. I feel duty bound to include one of my own heroes, and in truth, I love them all equally so it was hard to choose. I’m going with Shaun because he’s the newest, which means he’s been on my mind most lately. Shaun’s a former Navy SEAL. Wait…should I say that last bit again? Former Navy SEAL. You’re welcome. A rocky transition to civilian life lands him back in the last place he expected to end up—his tiny hometown of Bluelick, KY—with a bad case of insomnia and a determination keep a low profile, get his head together, and get gone as soon as he figures out his next move. He’s six-feet, two inches of growly, surly, antisocial male wrapped in two-pounds of hard-packed muscle. Think you can’t be seduced in a gas station restroom? Think again. And say hello to Shaun. I’m also giving away an e-copy of FALLING FOR THE ENEMY to one lucky winner!

Good luck in the giveaways! I wish everyone could win. Of course, thanks to Ramblings with this Chick, we all get to read about these hall pass heroes and what makes them so lust-worthy, so in a way, we all win. ;)

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Caught between a rock and a rock-hard body…

Salon owner Virginia Boca has declared herself least until she wins the election for mayor of Bluelick, Kentucky. No hot men. No sex. And her plan to play the good girl might have worked—if the mysterious, hard-bodied stranger she’s seen around town hadn't pulled her from the path of a speeding car and saved her life. The least Ginny can do is offer her savior a free haircut.

But when an innocent haircut turns into hours of wickedly hot sex, former Navy SEAL Shaun Buchanan knows his plan to keep a low profile is shot. Especially once Ginny finds out he’s the current mayor's son. With her reputation and the election on the line, Ginny seems determined to keep their nightly sexcapades a secret, but Shaun’s not willing to stay in the shadows forever…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

 Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Falling for the Enemy + eBook copy of Keeping Mr. Right Now

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Samanthe Beck for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

Your hall pass choices sound great. I haven't had the chance to read any of them yet. Thanks for the chance to read a couple of them!

Sue G. said...

Happy 18th Anniversary!

Nice list. I'm gonna check out Maggie Kelley’s BREAKING THE BACHELOR, because to be seduced at the Fluff and Fold just sounds too fun!

Ant said...

Loving all these Hall Pass answers, finding lots of new bbfs!

erin said...

great list!!! Found some that were on my TBR pile and now I'm digging out to start reading ;) thanks for sharing!

Kim said...

Thanks for the Hall Pass suggestions.

Anonymous said...

I've read the first two books in this series and am looking forward to reading Falling For The Enemy!

Marcy Shuler

krg said...

These books sound great, why have I not read them before. I have to go now so I can start! ;) Thanks for the post and the chance to win!

Mary Preston said...

Loving the sound of your hall pass heroes.

elena k said...

loved your list sam! thanks for the recommendations, runs away to find new fictional boyfriends

jessiel said...

Love the Hall Pass! Thank you for the giveaway :)

jessiel said...

Love the Hall Pass! Thank you for the giveaway :)

Glenda said...

Love your hall pass choices!

Unknown said...

Hey Sam! You never fail to crack me up and yeah, the heroes you chose are smokin'. Scary hot, but then I wouldn't expect anything else from you! :)

bn100 said...

these sound interesting

Anonymous said...

Love your picks. Thanks for the chance.
Nicole Ortiz

fernanda79 said...

Great list!

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