
ARC Review: What the Lightning Sees: Part Two by Louise Bay

Part Two of What the Lightning Sees picks up right where Louise Bay left us at the end of Part One. If you haven't read part one, make sure that you read that before starting this one as the story continues from one installment to the next. Haven and Jake had been growing closer until Haven heard a conversation between Jake and her boss. Though Jake does his best to explain the situation to Haven, she realizes that he she can't let him continue to get under her skin. She decides to keep things strictly business between them from that point on. But when they get another assignment together, the subject brings forth anger and jealousy and forces them to face the feelings between them. Will Jake fight to get Haven back, or will they continue to try and ignore the connection between them?

I loved Jake and Haven so much in the first book, and for the most part that continued here. I did think that Jake gave up a bit too easily when it came to the trying to get Haven back. I wanted him to fight for her, and I felt like it took him far too long to get to the point that he should have been. He just accepted what Haven told him and allowed her to push him away without really allowing him to explain what had happened or what was going on between them. I wanted him to force the issue a bit more than he did. I also felt like he should have talked to her more about the situation with one of her dates, and why he wanted her to stay away from him. I understood his reasoning and that he had made a promise to his sister, but if he felt like she was in that much of a bad situation around this guy I felt like he should have been able to tell her because that was more important. I did like that Haven didn't change who she was after what she had heard. She remained true to herself and I really felt like that was important. I loved that she was independent and thought for herself, and she didn't allow others to tell her who she should be or what she should do. 

Overall, this was a good installment and I am really needing the next installment. As with the first there is a cliffhanger and we are left wondering what will happen next for these two. I did think that there was a lot of angst and push and pull in this one, but I am enjoying the journey for these two. I like them together and I really think that they are good for one another. I am curious what Louise Bay has in store for these two next, and I am really looking forward to seeing how things play out. I really enjoy Louise Bay's writing style, and I think that her stories are well written and entertaining. I am looking forward to not only the next installment, but also to more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by AToMR Tours**

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