
ARC Review: Yield: A Legal Affairs Story by Sawyer Bennett

Yield is the third and final part in Cal and Macy's story from Sawyer Bennett. These have to be read in order as the story continues from one part to the next. However you do not need to have read the Legal Affairs series to understand, though Mac and Matt do play a large part in these books. While I have liked the first two installments of this serial, I haven't loved this serial like I typically do anything written by Sawyer Bennett. For some reason I am just not finding myself able to connect with these characters or their story the way I have with her other books. This was a good ending to their story though, and I did like how things played out for them.

Yield picks up after the events of Grind, with Macy's past suddenly catching up to her. Though her and Cal have made a lot of progress in their relationship, Macy is insistent that Cal should get as far away from her as possible because she is broken. Cal refuses to let Macy push him away though and will do whatever it takes to show her that she can lean on him. Can Cal help Macy move forward with her life, or will her past destroy everything that they are building together? 

I have had my ups and downs with these characters over the course of this series, but Cal and Macy were both better in this book than they had been previously. I felt like Cal wasn't as all over the place as he was in Grind, and Macy was finally starting to deal with her past rather than avoid it. I will say that they both handled a few things poorly in this one, but I thought that overall they seemed to finally be moving towards a future together in a positive way. They had both realized their feelings for one another and weren't running from it. Instead they were doing everything that they could to protect the other in the only ways that they knew how, even if they weren't the best.

With everything that happened in this installment, Cal and Macy spent most of this installment separated and I think that this book suffered a bit for it. It didn't pack the usual amount of heat that I have come to expect from Sawyer Bennett. I also thought that these two didn't have the initial spark that they did in Clash, but honestly I expected that after seeing how things had changed between them throughout the first two installments. When this series started, Cal and Macy couldn't stand one another and they were constantly bickering and the banter was fantastic. However that instantly changed after they hooked up the first time, and I have to admit that disappointed me. I was hoping that eventually they would get a little bit of that back but they never did. While they had chemistry and the sex between them was hot, I missed how fiery they were in the beginning outside the bedroom. While I think that this series was okay, it definitely wasn't my favorite by Sawyer Bennett. I still think that she is a great author, I just wasn't able to personally connect with this one. Fans of the Legal Affairs series will enjoy seeing Matt and Mac though, and I think that this might be one that just wasn't for me.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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