
Feature and Giveaway: Desire Me Now by Tiffany Clare

When Amelia Grant’s past catches up with her and threatens to destroy the life she’s built, Nick Riley doesn’t hesitate to protect her.

With just one look Nick completely undoes her. He wanted her surrender and she all but threw it at his feet. She’s revealed her darkest secrets . . . let him into her heart as he drew her deeper into forbidden games of desire . . .

But what happens when Nick’s secrets can destroy the very foundation they’ve build between each other? Will he let Amelia through the barriers of his past? Or will the truth tear them apart.

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Check out the Desire Me series:

Then his body worked hard inside her, pushing deep, only to pull out and slam back into her. What was left from the water on their skin grew sticky and damp between them as Nick stretched her body to its limits of pleasure and pain. She was helpless to move beneath him and could only accept what he doled out. She didn’t ask him to slow down his punishing pace; she begged him to give her release. Begged him to never stop. She couldn’t say how long they moved in unison, but their bodies were covered in sweat again when he finally emptied himself inside her. After retrieving a wet towel from the bathing chamber, he wiped away the evidence of their lovemaking and carried her over to his bed.

They didn’t join again, but he did worship every part of her body with kisses. She wasn’t sure how late they were awake, never talking, only touching, but she eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Deciding that life had far more to offer than a nine to five job, bickering children and housework of any kind (unless she’s on a deadline when everything is magically spotless), TIFFANY CLARE opened up her laptop to write stories she could get lost in. Tiffany writes sexy historical romances set in the Victorian era. She lives in Toronto with her husband, two kids and two dogs and you can find out more about her and her books at

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 5 Digital copies of Desire Me Now

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Tiffany Clare & Tasty Book Tours for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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