
Review: The Dreamspinner by Lynn Kurland

Dreamspinner starts the third subtrilogy of the Nine Kingdoms series. Our hero is Rùnach, a man who suffered a terrible tragedy twenty or so years in the past. It left him without his family, crippled, and drained of magic. Aisling is our heroine, and she hails from Bruadair where she's been a worker for a Weaver's Guild since she was eight. Her parents exchanged her labor for wealth.

Soon before Aisling's 28th birthday (which is when she will be considered an adult and be able to leave the Weaver's Guild), she sees her parents on the street in town. She panics, knowing that her parents' appearance can only mean they wish to exchange seven more years of labor for money, when she is so close to being free. Surprisingly, some acquaintances in town quickly spirit her out away and set her upon a quest to bring back a mercenary to free Bruadair. Aisling is given a timeline to do this, or a curse will kill her.

Rùnach has set out to go to Gobhann, in order to earn Weger's prestigious mark so that he can become a simple swordsman and live out the rest of his life in obscurity. Upon boarding the ship that will take him towards his destination he meets a young lad who has been robbed and is trying to acquire passage on the same ship. Rùnach generously pays the boy's fare. He is shocked to find out this boy is also en route to Godhann, then even more shocked to discover that the boy is actually a woman in disguise.

The two then begin a journey. Aisling is trying to fulfill her quest and learns the world and who she is were not as she'd thought. Rùnach is becoming more and more curious about this young woman and a desire to assist and protect her. In their journey to discover the mysteries surrounding them, they develop a friendship that scares them a bit as it seems to become more.

I really liked this book. Aisling is such an innocent girl who doesn't want to be lied to and taken advantage of. Rùnach is so troubled with his past and is such a chivalrous gentleman. The romance is PG, and as shown in the series' previous books, it will continue on for two more installments. Lynn Kurland has created such an enchanting world that you will want to to dive right in and live with her characters. It isn't necessary to read the previous six books to appreciate Dreamspinner. They mention the events from the previous books with enough information to understand how it affects this tale. This book was absolutely magical!

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