
Review: Fair Game by Monica Murphy

Read this book now! OMG I freaking LOVED Fair Game. Seriously, one of my favorite reads this year. From beginning to end I was hooked and just couldn't get enough. Oh the chemistry, heat and banter between Shep and Jade was off the charts. Loved these two to pieces.

Oh how I loved Shep. On paper he doesn't seem all that special...he's your typical spoiled rich kid player that is just looking for a good time. But beneath all of his layers is so much more. He's sweet, funny and unbelievably caring at times especially when it comes to Jade. Oh there were times when I found myself sighing out loud and having a huge smile on my face at some of the things he says and does. I loved him and found that he had such tremendous growth throughout the book. In the beginning he acts like a spoiled boy but by the end he grows into a sexy man and I just wanted to eat him up.

As for Jade I freaking adored her. I love that she stands up for herself and doesn't allow people to walk all over her. Also, I love that she isn't afraid to say what's on her mind. She doesn't play games and she keeps Shep on his toes.

Together Shep and Jade were explosive. From their first encounter you could just get a sense of the heat and chemistry these two had together. Sparks were flying like crazy and I just couldn't get enough of these two.

Fair Game is by far my favorite book that Monica Murphy/Karen Erickson has written and I just can't wait to get my hands on the Gabe and Tristan's stories. I just couldn't put this book down. It made me laugh, it made sigh and it made blush. I just can't say enough good things about this book. I loved it and I highly recommend. This one is a keeper and I'll definitely be re-reading this one again.

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