
Review: The Opposite of Love by Dahlia Salvatore

This is one of those reviews that I have been trying to figure out where to even start. I guess I will start by mentioning a few things that I think anyone wanting to read The Opposite of Love should be aware of. First off, there is cheating and if that isn't something you are comfortable with I would highly suggest you not read this book. Though I don't support cheating, I do feel like this story is worth the read. Second off, this isn't really what I would classify as strictly a romance story. To me it was more of a journey for Brooke. Yes there was sex and some romance, but at the heart of this story it was about Brooke figuring out who she was and what she wants in life. The other thing I think it's important to mention since I didn't know going in, is that this ends with a kind of cliffhanger. Though things are somewhat resolved at the end of the book, it says To Be Continued. I haven't been able to find out anything else, so I am not entirely sure what that means. All that being said, I think this is one of those books that you really almost just need to go into pretty blind without having much more information than this because it is really just about the experience. 

Brooke Wessex loves her husband Dan. They have been together for years and what started off as a great relationship changed after a few years of marriage. Though they had love, Dan stopped wanting Brooke and she found herself frustrated with the lack of physical interaction between them. They tried everything including therapy and doctors, and yet nothing changed. But Brooke was determined to stay with her husband for love, even if she didn't have pleasure. But when a solo vacation leads being stranded in a cabin during a blizzard with a sexy stranger, Brooke begins to rethink everything. As Brooke gets to know Luc Partridge, she realizes just how much she has been missing in life. 

I will admit that I struggled a bit with Brooke. I didn't understand how she could be in a relationship with her husband when she was clearly unhappy. I do see that she loved him and didn't want to hurt him, but she wasn't really living. She was just going through the motions and that was really sad to me. She really came to life with Luc, and it was good to see so much passion from not only them but also from Brooke herself. I liked seeing Brooke as she progressed through the story, and how she started to get back to herself. She had really been sort of dimmed over time, and watching her come back to life was really great. As far as Luc goes, I liked him a lot at times and he really frustrated me at others. His inability to really let Brooke in was something that bothered me all the way through. I knew there was more there, and I just knew that Brooke was in for it. Secrets always have a way of revealing themselves, and I was really hoping that Brooke wouldn't wind up hurt because of Luc's secrets and the fact that he wouldn't open up to her. Luc and Brooke had so much passion between them and the sparks were there right from the start. It was clear to me that they found something in each other that they hadn't found with anyone else. Though Brooke was married and it was cheating with Luc, I always felt like it didn't really seem like it was wrong because Dan didn't seem to care at all about Brooke or her life. 

I really wish that I could go into more detail, but to say much more would spoil the story. I found this one really interesting, and it was different from what you typically find in the romance genre. I am glad that Dahlia Salvatore left this one a bit open and I am really curious to see what happens next. I know what I would love to see and I am really hoping that Dahlia gives us more of these characters. I liked the way this book ended, but I can't help but want more because I am greedy like that. I think if you can handle cheating that this is definitely one worth giving a shot. It is so much more than that and is a really good story if approached with an open mind. I look forward to the next story and to reading more from Dahlia Salvatore in the future.

**Review Copy Provided by Booktrope**

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