
ARC Review: Drive it Deep by Cara McKenna

Drive it Deep will drive you crazy when you realize it is a prequel to Raina's story where she winds up with someone else. Let the church say WTF??

This is the story of Miah and Raina. Miah and Raina have been friends for years and years without any outbreaks of lust and/or freakyness. However, when Raina's father passes away, Miah starts to see her in a different light which quickly leads to seeing her butt naked.

Drive it Deep is all about reconciling who you presently are with what you could be or could want in the future...without the benefit of a crystal ball. I really felt the conflict in this story from Raina's perspective. None of us really knows where to draw the bright line in relationships between what we know for sure we don't want and where we need to compromise for the sake of love. In this book Raina sees herself as maintaining her identity by refusing to compromise. Even though I have mixed feelings about Raina's stubbornness, it's a good point of reference for all of us. Everyone has to find the boundary between reasonable compromise and absolute deal breakers and it's not easy to do when faced with love and great sex (especially the great sex, lol).

This is my first book by Cara McKenna and I was perfectly content until I realized that this book does not have a part 2 but is instead a PREQUEL to another book with Raina where she gets a HEA with SOMEBODY ELSE. Have you ever eaten a really good hamburger and then someone told you it was horse meat? Me either but I imagine that if I did, I would be having the same experience I am having right now. I just assumed this book was part 1 and that in part 2 Miah and Raina would work it out. I canNOT believe that there is another book but just no Miah. WHAT THEE EFF???

Cara McKenna is a great storyteller and prior to RIGHT NOW I liked this book because I just knew Miah and Raina would end up together. I really wish I had known that this was a prequel and not a part 1 because I would not have read it. Life is cruel enough without reading books with no HEA. That's like sex without an orgasm...ok, I'm being melodramatic but really I am just in a state of shock at the moment. Before 5 minutes ago I was going to say this book had compelling characters with their own brand of perfection and flaw and good parallel story lines (the town, the deputy, Vince, Miah's family).

I was also going to say that the story draws you in and evokes deep thoughts. But now I'm going to say read this story only if you don't care about HEAs. The only reason I put up with Raina's shenanigans throughout the book is because I figured she and Miah would have an HEA somewhere down the line but APPARENTLY NOT. For me HEAs are like kids for Raina in the book, deal breakers. If I don't get my HEA, I am not a happy camper and people, I am NOT happy right now.

What have we learned today boys and girls? Pay attention to blurbs and investigate any book that is a part of series. Make sure you know what part you are reading.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sophia Rose said...

Oh ouch! Yeah, I skipped this one. I read the first two books which was Vince and then Raina's books. I loved them. This one came along afterward and I had no desire to read it much for the same reason. I already knew that Miah and Raina weren't a couple and had painfully broken up so had no desire to read the details.

Unknown said...

Oh how I wish I had known in advance Sophia!

Casey said...

Why was this book necessary if she ends up with someone else in a book that has already been released??? I am so confused why this would even be a thing? I hope he gets his own HEA! Seriously thankful I haven't read this yet because I would probably be super pissed had I read the previous books and then this one! I mean maybe if this was released first to start the series off...but not after the h got her HEA with another man. That's not something I have any interest in reading!

Unknown said...

Casey Casey Casey, you have spoken the TRUTH. There were tiny plumes of smoke coming out of my ears when I realized this was a prequel to another book. Who does this? WHO? I have got to be more careful with my serials. It's unfortunate because the writing is good and I would have loved to read about the two characters getting a HEA.

Unknown said...

Casey Casey Casey, you have spoken the TRUTH. There were tiny plumes of smoke coming out of my ears when I realized this was a prequel to another book. Who does this? WHO? I have got to be more careful with my serials. It's unfortunate because the writing is good and I would have loved to read about the two characters getting a HEA.

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