
ARC Review: Never Let You Go by Katy Regnery

Never Let You Go is the second book in Katy Regnery's Modern Fairytale Series. Each book in this series is a standalone story with none of them connected, each one inspired by a classic fairy tale. Never Let You Go was inspired by Hansel and Gretel. I have read Katy Regnery books before, but I have to say that there is something about this series that really grabbed my attention. I love the idea of taking old stories and making them new and different, and I thought Katy did a fantastic job. I could not put this book down! 

Griselda and her foster brother Holden get abducted as children are forced to live with their captor for three long years until they finally get the opportunity to escape. Unfortunately their escape doesn't go according to plan and while Griselda is able to get away, Holden is left behind. Holden is told that Griselda died, and his captor takes him away and changes their names. Griselda never gives up hope about reconnecting with Holden though, and continues to search with little results. Ten years go by and Griselda's awful boyfriend drags her to a fight, and she is shocked when she comes face to face with Holden. Even though their connection has never died, ten long years have changed who they both are and things won't be as easy as picking up where they left off. 

I loved these two so much. They had both had such horrible things happen to them, and yet they had never stopped loving one another. Their love was so strong and undeniable, there was nothing that they couldn't get through as long as they had each other. Though their journey was heartbreaking and horrible at times, these two always looked to each other. Holden was impossible not to love. He was sweet and thoughtful, and his love for Griselda was fierce. Though he had thought she was dead and he hadn't stopped living his life, he had never been able to let go of her or the connection they shared. Griselda never stopped searching for Holden, and everything she did was to help her try and find him. I felt so badly for her because of the guilt that she felt for so many things. I was glad that Holden never blamed her or held a grudge. These two were always meant to be together, and their connection and chemistry was so unique and rare. I can't even describe how powerful and beautiful it was. 

Never Let You Go was beautiful and emotional, and I was captivated right from the start. Katy Regnery took the inspiration for this story and completely re-imagined it, transforming a familiar favorite into something new and fascinating. I honestly cannot recommend this story enough. Holden and Griselda's love is one that will stick with me, and I already can't wait to get lost in their story again. I can't wait to read the rest of the books in this series, and I know that I will be looking for more from Katy Regnery in the future.

**ARC Provided by RockStarLit PR**

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