
ARC Review: Yours All Along by Roni Loren

Yours All Along is a novella in the Loving on the Edge Series by Roni Loren. Like the other books in this series it is a standalone with interconnected characters. This book is M/M and features Hunter and Devon, Devon being the brother of the heroine Oakley from the next book in this series Call On Me. I really love this series, so I couldn't wait to get more from Roni Loren. Yours All Along was really good, but I kept wishing for more. I didn't want this one to end, and I wish it had been longer. 

It has been four years since the accident that changed everything for Hunter and Devon. Once best friends who were inseparable, Hunter is now a professional pitcher about to marry his fiance and Devon is running a successful restaurant. With Hunter still having to pick a best man for his wedding, his fiance suggests a trip to Dallas to see his former best friend and get him to be their best man. But Hunter and Devon haven't spoken in four years, and his fiance has no idea just how close Devon and Hunter were before everything changed. Neither of them have forgotten about how things were between them, and with them back around one another they begin to feel the same pull they did four years ago. Will one night rekindle what was once between them, or will they be able to finally move forward and leave the past behind for good?

I really liked Hunter and Devon. They were great friends and I loved the ease of their relationship. Hunter never judged Devon, and it was nice to see him so close to Devon despite the way he was raised. He never had a problem with who Devon was, and that helped others around him to embrace Devon as well. Devon was great, and I really liked how comfortable he was with himself. He was out and proud, but he was just himself. Devon and Hunter's friendship was so strong, and I really enjoyed getting to see how they could talk about anything and be so comfortable with one another. I think that is why their connection felt so strong to me, and it really made the progression of their relationship seem so natural. It didn't happen over night, but it was clear that these two cared about one another and that turned into more than just in a friendly way.  

I loved seeing the past and how they were in college, but I do wish that we had been given more of their present. By the time we got around to them being together in the present after learning their past this book was over. I wanted to see more of them after they reunited and how things played out as far as Hunter's career, family and what happened with his fiance. I felt like it was a pretty abrupt ending and I would have liked to have seen more of them being an actual couple. I am hoping that since Devon's sister is the heroine of the next book in this series that we might see more of these two in that book. I think that Devon and Hunter's story easily could have been a full length novel though, and I am sad that it was novella length instead. I still recommend this book though, and I think it was a great addition to the series. Roni Loren is a great writer and I love the characters in this series. I can't wait for more, and I am so excited to get Pike and Oakley's story next!

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Teri Anne Stanley said...

I love Roni Loren! I think a "this wasn't long enough and I wanted more" review is right on the money...if she left you wanting more, then it must be good!

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