
Surf, Sand & Books Event with AJ Pine

AJ Pine writes stories to break readers’ hearts, but don’t worry—she’ll mend them with a happily ever after. As an English teacher and a librarian, AJ has always surrounded herself with books. All have one big commonality–romance. Naturally, her books have the same. When she’s not writing, she’s of course reading. Then there’s online shopping (everything from groceries to shoes) and, of course, a tiny bit of TV where she nourishes her undying love of vampires and superheroes. And in the midst of all of this, you’ll also find her hanging with her family in the Chicago burbs.

Hey, everyone! I'm AJ, and I'm thrilled to be part of Ramblings From This Chick's Surf, Sand, and Books event! I write New Adult contemporary romance, and one of the calling cards of my books is that I like to infuse a little bit of pop culture into the story, usually giving one of my characters a favorite movie or television show of mine that becomes their favorite too. In If Only, my heroine, Jordan, was obsessed with the book and movie, A Room With A View where my hero, Noah loved The Princess Bride. In What If, the book I'm giving away today, there's a Gilmore Girls subplot that loosely mirrors the main plot--mainly because I wanted to make sure all my readers knew I was #teamjess.

But here is the sad part of my post. I have very little time for television and movies these days. I'm a high school librarian by day and a writer ALL the time. Add to that the whole mom gig (I have two amazing kids), and free time is almost nonexistent. I can sneak in reading here and there because I listen to a lot of audiobooks, which means I can multitask. But now that school's out and I have daytime writing time, I get to do what I only do a few times a year--see movies!

Summer is an interesting time for movie releases. There are a lot of action movies and a lot of kid movies, and I like both. But I also like to seek out the quirky, indie flicks that might not be advertised as much as the big budget blockbusters are. So, I share with you a list of ten movies (in release day order) I'd be up for seeing this summer. The kid ones I'll see for sure because my kids are the boss of me, but cross your fingers I get to throw in a few for grown-ups too!

JURASSIC WORLD (June 12)--I don't think I need to say much more about this one other than Chriss Pratt on a motorcycle. Whatever else happens is fine with me. Just keep on riding, CP.

INSIDE OUT (June 19)--This one I'll see for sure because my kids will lock me out of the house if I don't take them. But that's cool because it's Amy Poehler, and I dig her, and this movie looks smart and fun.

INFINITELY POLAR BEAR (June 19)--This is one I really want to see. Mark Ruffalo is one of my absolute favorite actors. He will portray a bipolar father trying to win back the trust of his family like no one else can. I'm sure I'll laugh and cry and swoon, and that is the perfect movie experience for me.

MINIONS (July 10)-This needs no explanation. It's the MINIONS.

ANT-MAN (July 17)--Gotta admit, a superhero that has the power to get as small as an ant--not high on the superhero hotness scale. I love superheroes. I do. But really the only reason I want to see this one is Paul Rudd. I adore him and kind of want to watch him kick some ass.

PAPER TOWNS (July 24)--I love when the trailer for a book adaptation looks just like I pictured the story in my head. It's been a couple years since I read John Green's Paper Towns, but as soon as I saw the trailer, it felt right. This is a must see for me.

PIXELS (July 24)--Adam Sandler still makes me laugh. Plus Peter Dinklage with a monster mullet and the nostalgia for the video games I grew up with? This will be a fun one with the kids.

FANTASTIC FOUR (August 7)--Love superheroes, and I like Miles Teller in everything I see him in, so this one's a yes for m.

DIARY OF A TEENAGE GIRL (August 7)--Here's some indie fun. I always like to seek out something that made a big splash at Sundance.

MASTERMINDS (August 19)--I'm not even really sure I care about the story here. It's a comedy caper. I just can't pass up an ensemble that includes Kristen Wiig, Zach Galifianakis, Owen Wilson, and Jason Sudeikis.

So I guess I want to spend a bulk of my summer indoors. Hahaha. I promise the pool will not go ignored, but for someone who barely watches any television and really only sees animated movies during the school year, I think I've earned some time to unwind in front of the big screen. Wish me luck. Only nine more weeks until school's back in session!

Sometimes it takes letting go of the past to find out who you want to be.

During his semester abroad, Griffin Reed almost gave his heart to a girl who loved someone else. Lesson learned. Now he’s home, where following in his father’s footsteps may not be what he wants, but it’s what his parents expect. It might be taking the easy road, but he doesn’t see a way out.

Something that could have killed Maggie Kendall took away the person she used to be instead. Her condition makes her dependent on sticky notes, photos, and medication just to get through each day. The last thing she needs is a distraction—or someone new to disappoint.

What they refuse to see is they are perfect for each other. Maggie makes Griffin want to be a better man, and he makes her believe a future is possible. But these two have to find a way to share the secrets ripping them apart, if they’re ever going to have a chance at happiness.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |
Check out the If Only... series:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 Signed copy of What If + Swag

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to AJ Pine for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


dstoutholcomb said...

I saw Chris Pratt in Jurassic World. Worth it!


Marcy Meyer said...

I love summer reading and movies too! I am definitely taking my kids to Inside Out (although my 11 year old says he may not want to go to that Minions and Pixels. My husband wants to see Ant-Man and Fantastic Four. I think Mastermind looks funny, but you forgot one very important movie....Magic Mike XXL. lol!

Sue G. said...

Some great movies listed. I can't wait to see most of those too. I'd also add Magic Mike XXL! Just for the eye candy!

lindalou said...

OMG... we finally saw JW last night in 3D. It was totally awesome! This is one I'll definitely be buying when it comes out on DVD too...

Anonymous said...

What If sounds great!

Unknown said...

I most likely will be taking the younger ones to see the kid shows. I really don't go to the movies I wait to rent the dvd's. I am disabled and most movie centers really don't have disabled friendly stations.

Sophia Rose said...

I confess that the Superhero ones are the only movies of interest this summer though I'm actually pretty easy to please when it comes to movies. I just tend to go with the family flow and that's where the others flow. ;)

Your new story sounds really heartwarming.

AJ Pine said...

YES, Denise! Chris Pratt has never looked better, and the movie was fun. Intense and violent, but fun. LOL

AJ Pine said...

Of course add movies to the list. Haha. I still have not seen the first Magic Mike (runs and hides), but it's on my list!

erin said...

awesome movie picks!!! Congrats on the new release ;)

AJ Pine said...

*puts first MM on list to see VERY soon*

AJ Pine said...

We saw it in 3D too! Chris Pratt in 3D was quite nice.

AJ Pine said...

Thanks, Lindsey!

AJ Pine said...

I'm sorry to hear that, Felicia. Hope you do get to a couple shows this summer.

AJ Pine said...

I LOVE superhero movies. And Paul Rudd as a superhero? YES please!

AJ Pine said...

Thanks, Erin!

Nova said...

love the movie trailers...not sure which ones we will be seeing or waiting on to see on DVD or netflix. my (adult) daughter and i are going to Magic Mike XXL for sure!!!

Debbie Rice said...

Hubby and I saw San Andreas enjoyed it fun night out.

Mary Preston said...

Love Chris Pratt. JURASSIC WORLD was fun.

Anonymous said...

À great variety. I don't do movies very often because I'd rather read a great book. Thanks for the giveaway chance & the excerpt.
Carol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

Anonymous said...

The movies all sound great... but really I'd rather sit out on the beach and read!

Anonymous said...

I really want to see INSIDE OUT. :)

Marcy Shuler

bn100 said...

interesting looking movies

Betul E. said...

Sounds so good! Looking forward to reading this book!

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