
Surf, Sand & Books Event with Heather Thurmeier

Heather Thurmeier is a lover of strawberry margaritas, a hater of spiders and a reality TV junkie. Born and raised in the Canadian prairies, she now lives in New York with her husband and kids where she’s become some kind of odd Canuck-Yankee hybrid. When she's not busy taking care of the kids and pets, Heather’s writing her next romance, which will probably be filled with sassy heroines, sexy heroes that make your heart pound, laugh out loud moments and always a happily ever after.

I love summer—the sunshine, flowers, fresh air… all of it. Except the spiders, of course, but that should go without saying.

I love that the kids are home from school and we get to be lazy every day, sleeping in, watching movies, playing outside, and going to the town pool every afternoon. We send the kids to different weekly camps that run for a few hours each day. This year it’s dance, pottery, and an animal shelter. The rest of the time, we’re unscheduled… Heaven.

We probably spend 5 afternoons out of 7 at the pool, for a couple of hours each time. The kids get to meet up with their friends from school, I get to visit with the other moms, we all have fun playing together in the ice cold, unheated water, and I always take at least a few minutes to lay out and read.

Most of the time, I’m a kindle girl all the way. But in the summer months, I have to have a paper book. I know I could keep my kindle in a waterproof case and it would be just fine, but there something that I absolutely love about reading paperbacks by the pool! So strange, right? And my favorite paperbacks are always adventure books, usually some kind of treasure hunt! My favorites are by Douglas Preston, Lincoln Child, and Clive Cussler. There’s just something about the adventure and action that screams summer to me!

Even though I crave reading adventure books in paperback poolside, that doesn’t mean I’m not also biting my nails while waiting to dive between the kindle pages of hot new romances this summer. I almost always have multiple books on the go in the summer! A few of the ones I’m most looking forward to reading are:

-- Searching for Beautiful by Jennifer Probst – I love her books and can’t wait to read this one!

-- Size Matters by Stephanie Haefner – I’ve read the first (Try Me On For Size) and I can’t wait to read this sequel! Her writing is laugh out loud funny.

-- Tamed and also Tied by Emma Chase – I’ve read the first 2 in this series and haven’t had a chance to read these yet. I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next for this cast of characters. And Emma Chase’s writing is hilarious!

By the looks of my reading list, I better make sure we get lots of pool days and lazy evenings in the gazebo with a strawberry margarita and my kindle! Speaking of margaritas, I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t share my favorite margarita recipe with you. It’s really easy. 3 shots strawberry margarita mix, 2 shots lime margarita mix, 3 shots tequila, and a couple scoops of ice. Blend it up and there’s enough to share with a friend! Or just but a straw directly into the pitcher and call it a night. LOL. Yum…

The perfect guy. The perfect girl. The perfect lie.

Sawyer Sterling needs a girlfriend. With the family cabin up for grabs, he's desperate to prove that he could be the guy to “pass it on.” Of course, Sawyer also has a tendency to treat relationships like a contagious stomach flu that should be avoided at all costs. Now he needs a girlfriend-for-hire. Someone he can trust. Someone he could never, ever fall for...

Someone like his best friend's sister.

Sawyer's offer is exactly what Olivia Morgan needs. After traveling around the world for the last five years, the promise of a job and free accommodations is heaven. And sure, maybe Sawyer's a super-hot, charming guy with dimples made for kissing, but he’s not willing to be the guy—or relationship—she needs.

All it takes is one hot hook-up before this little hoax gets blown all to hell...

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 $10 Gift Card (Amazon or B&N) + eBook copy of The Wedding Hoax

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Heather Thurmeier for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Barbara E. said...

I think the Hook Up Hoax sounds great. I think strawberry margaritas are yummy too. :D

Jo's Daughter said...

The Hook Up Hoax sounds super fun!!! Put it on my list :-)

cheryl c said...

Love the title! This sounds like a fun romance.

erin said...

congrats to Heather on her release!! This looks and sounds like a lot of fun :) thanks for sharing!

Sophia Rose said...

I'm good with a paperback adventure by the pool and curling up with my kindle later. Thanks for the intro to new to me author.

Marcy Meyer said...

The summer sleeping in and lazy days are the BEST! I grew up going to the pool every day. Such great memories. Searching for Beautiful was so GOOD! My new favorite friends-to-lovers book. Tamed and Tied are so good too and funny. Love the sound of your book. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Heather Thurmeier said...

Thanks so much for having me today! The Hookup Hoax was so fun to write, but it's even better to read. Perfect for a poolside or feet-in-the-sand kind of day!

fernanda79 said...

The books sounds great!

Rita Wray said...

I like the premise of the story.

Anonymous said...

This sounds great! I love the 'best friend's sibling' trope.

Thank you for the post and giveaway. Fingers crossed! :-)

Brooke Showalter said...

I love books like this. :) Sounds good!

Kim said...

Congratulations on the new book. It sounds like a fun premise.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new release. Looks like a great pool side read or in my case an air conditioned house. :) Looking forward to reading this. Thanks for the chance.
Carol L
Lucky4750. (at) aol (dot) com

Michele Hayes said...

Sounds like a fun read. Thanks for the chance.

Cheryl Hastings said...

I added this to my list....looks great! I wish my kids were younger and I was working....I could go for 5 days at the pool :)

Sue G. said...

Sounds like you have a really fun summer! Happy reading!

Mary Preston said...

I love the lazy days of summer too - just not the unbearable heat.

Anonymous said...

The Hookup Hoax sounds like a fun read and perfect for the summer!

Marcy Shuler

Glenda said...

The Hookup Hoax sounds like lots of fun!

lisagkendall said...

Thank you for the Margarita recipe, can't wait to try it out. Also thanks for mentioning the "Size" books, more to add to my TBR. lisagk@yahoo

dstoutholcomb said...

sounds like a fun read

Ada said...

Hi from the Canadian prairies, Heather!! :) I do love best friends siblings tropes so I"m definitely adding this to my TBR

Unknown said...

I am a newbie and do so look forward to read any of your books. There are several that caught my eye at first glace on amazon. I do love to meet new writers.

Sapir said...

I love reading in summer. my Kindle is always with me and I always have something to read depending on my mode.

Heather Thurmeier said...

You're welcome! I hope you enjoy both the margaritas and the books!

Heather Thurmeier said...

Hi, fellow Canadian!! I hope you enjoy the book during a warm prairie summer!

Heather Thurmeier said...

Glad to hear you found a few books to try! I have contemporary, paranormal, new adult, and adventure, so there should be a little something for everyone!

Catherine said...

Oh, I don't usually like margaritas, but your recipe sounds easy and good.

bn100 said...

interesting recipe

Vanessa N. said...

Sounds interesting.

Anita H. said...

Hi Heather, Happy Canada Day! Another prairie girl here :) I'm totally adding this to my TBR pile!

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