
Surf, Sand & Books Event with Megan Erickson

Megan worked as a journalist covering real-life dramas before she decided she liked writing her own endings better and switched to fiction.

She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids and two cats. When she's not tapping away on her laptop, she's probably listening to the characters in her head who won't stop talking.

Hello! Thanks for having me on the blog today, Dani! I recently released the first book in my Mechanics of Love series – DIRTY THOUGHTS. It’s a sexy series with gruff mechanics and strong women, family values and friendship and best of all—love!

So, DIRTY THOUGHTS, Cal and Jenna have a little bit of a tiff in the grocery store. Jenna insists he should have a box of brownie mix at his house at all times. And Cal, being the gruff, stubborn guy he is, disagrees, resulting in swearing in the baked goods aisle. Yeah, I know, it escalated quickly.

Here are the top ten things *I* have in my pantry at all times in my house.

1. Brownie Mix—Cal, you were wrong on this one. Jenna’s my girl and she knows what’s up.

2. Taco shells—Um, because tacos are awesome?

3. Cheerios—That’s because I have kids but ALSO because I have cereal just about every night before I go to sleep. That’s a trait Jenna also shares.

4. Chocolate—no explanation needed.

5. Kraft mac and cheese—the sight of that blue box makes me happy. Except 
when it’s recalled. Then I’m sad.

6. Coffee—no explanation needed.

7. White cheddar popcorn—because it’s delicious and I should probably have turned into white cheddar popcorn by now.

8. Oreos—Because they are the best cookies ever

9. Wowbutter—my kid has a peanut allergy so we always have this soy nut butter on hand, which taste surprisingly a lot like peanut butter.

10. Flour and sugar—you never know when you need an emergency backup of cookies. =)

Some things are sexier the second time around.

Cal Payton has gruff and grumbly down to an art...all the better for keeping people away. And it usually works. Until Jenna MacMillan--his biggest mistake--walks into Payton and Sons mechanic shop all grown up, looking like sunshine, and inspiring more than a few dirty thoughts.

Jenna was sure she was long over the boy she'd once loved with reckless abandon, but one look at the steel-eyed Cal Payton has her falling apart all over again. Ten years may have passed, but the pull is stronger than ever... and this Cal is all man.

Cal may have no intention of letting Jenna in, but she's always been his light, and it's getting harder to stay all alone in the dark. When a surprise from the past changes everything, Cal and Jenna must decide if their connection should be left alone or if it's exactly what they need for the future of their dreams.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook copy of Dirty Thoughts

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks Megan Erickson for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

I agree with your list. I keep many of those same staples in my cabinets.

krg said...

OMG! I love your pantry, will you adopt me? lol Seriously, I love second chance romances and this sounds great. I will have to check it out. :)

Cheryl Hastings said...

I would add tortillas also with the taco kids use them for sandwiches, smackos and double layer tacos :)

EvelynS said...

Great list! Cheerios and Oreos are also staples in our household. Can't wait to read this book! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Sophia Rose said...

Yep, those are totally staple goods except I keep tortillas in the fridge instead of shells in the pantry. The story sounds fun.

Sue G. said...

I agree with the brownie mix! I always have them too!

Mary Preston said...

I have back up staples in my pantry.

Ada said...

Cheerios, chocolate and Mac n Cheese - you're my kinda girl :) Always, always have those around. It would be a travesty to run out!

MrsMac19 said...

I'm with you on the chocolate & coffee - ALWAYS ON HAND!!

Kim said...

Congratulations on your new book. I have most of the things on your list, too.

bn100 said...

interesting list

Anita H. said...

That pretty much sounds like my perfect list! Congrats on your new book, sounds fantastic!

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