
Surf, Sand & Books Event with Tonya Burrows

Tonya Burrows wrote her first romance in 8th grade and hasn't put down her pen since. Originally from a small town in Western New York, she’s currently soaking up the sun as a Florida girl. She suffers from a bad case of wanderlust and usually ends up moving someplace new every few years. Luckily, her two dogs and ginormous cat are excellent travel buddies.

When she's not writing about hunky military heroes, Tonya can be found at a bookstore or the dog park. She also enjoys painting, watching movies, and her daily barre workouts. A geek at heart, she pledges her TV fandom to Supernatural and Dr. Who.

I love summertime. It ties for the top spot on my favorite seasons list (the other favorite being fall). There’s just something so nostalgically wonderful about a long, hot summer day. Reminds me of when I was little and the summer seemed to last forever.

But here’s the thing. I now live in Florida and this state has only two seasons: “summer” and “inner ring of hell”. October through April is gorgeous and I take a perverse amount of pleasure in telling my family up north how lovely it is here in Florida during those months. But May through September? Dear. God. If you’re not indoors basking in the A/C, you need to be in some kind of water. The pool. The ocean. It doesn’t matter. Just get to water and you might survive those grueling five months.

Reading is, of course, my favorite thing to do while I’m sitting in the pool, trying not to die of heat exhaustion. Except this year I’ve hit a major reading slump. I usually go through about a book a week, but for the last several months, I’ve struggled to finish almost every book I’ve picked up. So instead of telling you all my favorite beach reads, I’m asking—no, begging—for yours instead. Help! I need a book that’s going to grab me by the throat and yank me out of this reading slump!

Ice-cold and unbreakable, Travis Quinn is the HORNET team’s hard-ass. No weaknesses. Except, of course, for the accident that not only destroyed his career as a Navy SEAL, but left terrifying blanks in his memory. But Travis remembers everything about Mara Escareno—the curve of her lips, the feel of her body...and how he walked out on her suddenly six weeks ago.

Mara could never resist the dangerously sexy Travis, which is probably how she ended up pregnant and disowned by her family. But before Travis can fully process the news, Mara is kidnapped by his enemies and plunged into the violent, merciless world of human trafficking. They want Travis—and the information locked within his damaged memory—no matter the cost. And now Travis’s enemies have discovered his only weakness...Mara.

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Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 eBook of Choice from Backlist

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form to enter giveaway.

**Don't forget to enter the grand prize giveaway!

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Tonya Burrows for sponsoring this giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Marcy Meyer said...

I loved Searching for Beautiful by Jennifer Probst, Pucked by Helena Hunting, The Pact by Karina Halle, Marie Force's Quantum trilogy was so good, and Double Dare by R.L. Mathewson. I love her Neighbor from Hell series. So funny!!

Unknown said...

I've been meaning to read Marie Force. Guess I should check out one of her books. And the Neighbor from Hell series sounds delightful. I can definitely use some funny!

Sue G. said...

Anything by Roxanne St. Claire. Her newest, Barefoot with a Bodyguard just came out! This is suspense with romance. If you want something raunchy, but laugh out loud try Debra Anastasia's Fire Down Below. Looking for something sexy, try Carly Phillips' Dare series. And if you want a sweet romance that will tug at your heart, This Heart of Mine by Brenda Novak.

Sophia Rose said...

Um yeah, Inner Circle of Hell sounds about right which is why even if we get freeze your breath in your body winters, I'll skip on Florida. Haha!

Oh, a reading slump is an awful thing. I don't know what your brand of reading is, but I've enjoyed Claudia Connor's The McKinney Brothers series for CR, Murder in Thrall by Anne Cleeland for a mystery, The Shadow Resolution for some UF/Steampunk, Loving on the Edge series from Roni Loren for some real hot romance, Outlaw Hearts by Rosanne Bittner for gritty Western romance, Wicked Ride by Rebecca Zanetti for some PNR, and even dabbled in a graphic novel to get Patricia Briggs' latest. There is always audio, too. I've found new enjoyment of old favorites by listening to stories as re-reads. Maybe try that?

erin said...

hahahaha... I live in the midwest and I totally understand the "inner ring of hell" months :) The humidity!!!! bleh.... I just read and loved True North by Liora Blake and Special Interests by Emma Barry. Great pool reads!!! Thanks for sharing and congrats on the new release!

cheryl c said...

I just started reading SUDDENLY ONE SUMMER by Julie James. I have loved all of her books, and this new one is starting out great.

Anonymous said...

You should definitely try Georgina Guthrie's WORDS series, and if you haven't read anything by Julie Ann Walker, definitely try her BLACK KNIGHTS INC. series. All of them are so good and among my favorites.

Thank you for the post and giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

Mary Preston said...

I can certainly identify with the “inner ring of hell”.

Anonymous said...

Laura Kaye's 'Hard Ink' series is fabulous! I'd start from the beginning with HARD AS IT GETS. II also love Robin Covington's 'Nashville Nights' series.

Marcy Shuler

Unknown said...

I've read the Hard Ink series. Waiting patiently for Beckett's book now. :)

Unknown said...

Ugh. Right?! It's miserable. Wish all year long could be like Florida's winter. It'd be perfect!

Unknown said...

Actually, a Black Knights Inc book was the last book I finished. Guess I should pick up a few more from that series, huh?

Unknown said...

I've never read anything by her. I'll have to check her out. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Oh, the humidity. It was miserable here yesterday, like breathing soup. I didn't go outside for more than a few minutes all day, and only because my dogs insisted they needed to go out.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll add them to my list!

Unknown said...

Yes, reading slumps are no fun. I actually have been listening to books on audio—Claudia Connor's series is one of them—so I haven't been completely book-free during this slump. It's only when I try to actually read that I can't seem to get through a book. I loved Rebecca's Sin Brothers series, but I haven't tried her paranormal yet. Maybe I'll pick one up and give it a shot. I know she's a great story teller.

Unknown said...

Roxanne St. Claire is one of my favorites! I didn't realize she had a new one out. *runs to Amazon* Maybe this is exactly what I need to end my slump. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I live in Tucson, AZ. We have hot seasons from cool-warmth to hot and of course burning. When I am in a reading slump. I find a book in another genre to read. I asked at the local library for some options. She recommended Bec MacMasters Kiss Of Steel (London Steampunk) the first in this series. I truly liked the book and now I have another genre of books that I now read. I find that when I try something new to read it helps with the Read Blues.

Sapir said...

I love reading in summer. I would recommend historical Romance books by Tessa Dare, Lorraine Heath & Suzanne Enoch

Catherine said...

I've been reading books from cooler places, like Julie James, who's books are based in Chicago, Jami Davenport and Toni Aleo, who both write hockey books. And I reread Bella Andre's Sullivan series and Melissa Schroeder's Santini series about once every six months.

Anonymous said...

Definitely! My favorite of the series is Thrill Ride. Have you read that one?

bn100 said...

JR Ward's BDB series

Vanessa N. said...

What's your favorite genre to read?

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